Busy grill


Sean H

I seasoned up some chicken legs and thighs with some of this stuff:


I bought it at a roadside tourist trap in South Georgia. It's actually pretty good, and complements poultry very well.

I started the chicken off first, with a small chunk of apple wood. After about 20 minutes, I added some corn on the cob to roast, then 20 minutes after that I put some marinated asparagus on to be roasted. Here's the busy grill. A full meal, all on the 22" OTP:


About 15 minutes before the meal was finished, I sauced the chicken. I used a combo of Rufus Teague Touch o' Heat and some original Sweet Baby Ray's. Also added a little honey to make it stick:


Sorry, no plated pics (too HUNGRY), but basically it looked exactly like what you saw on the grill, just smaller and in plated form. :D
Full grill = good. It looks good. Nice veg pan, by the way. I have the same one. :D

