Burgers, I’m a lot closer after tonight

Ever try 80/20 with pork in the mix? Or do think the fat cap was enough?

Yes, I've tried pork in the mix with 80/20 but although good, that's not what I'm after. Back in the day, I'm talking before the FDA told us all to cook our burgers to 160 degrees and turn them into shoe leather I had some of the best burgers in my life. Until now I had not realized that those burgers had a "steak" sort of taste. The trend these days is just to add more fat to the meat to make it taste less dry. That is not steak. And not really true. Dryness is not about fat, it's about water content, long story I wont get into here.

So, It's the meat first. You want steak and steak is leaner than ground beef or chuck or 80/20 or whatever. And sirloin is the less expensive "steak". Now, careful here. I've done burgers with "ground sirloin" ( already ground and in the meat cooler) and it did not taste much different than the cheaper grinds. The awakening came when I had the butcher grind a whole steak out of the case! Now I am convinced that when they set out ground sirloin on the case it's ground sirloin "scraps", and not the whole steak. Makes perfect sense. Another hint is that when you pick out a sirloin steak and have it ground for you it is more expensive by the pound than the one already ground that they place in the case :).
Jose,that's a mighty fine looking burger! I've found that fresh ground is an absolute MUST! As I'm sure Rich and Barb D. will find out,once you grind you're own,it's a physical impossibility to just go buy ground beef from whatever store you shop at for burgers!
Sure glad I found your thread Jose and great looking burgers.
Barb and I just got the grinder attachment for our kitchen aid mixer and ground our first meat yesterday. We just used a chuck roast to get a feel for how it worked, Sirloin is on the list to try, but I was going to try a 50/50 mix with chuck to keep the moisture and fat content up a little.
But now that I've seen that burger of yours I'm going to try it both ways to see which I like best.

I wish I had a grinder now that I'm getting close to this burger perfect thing. I could buy one but we will be redoing our kitchen soon so I'll wait. I'f you've ever had a sirloin steak, that's what the burgers taste like! I need to do a bit more tweaking now just to get the perfect texture, and the perfect bun. That said, the taste and juiciness is already there. Lean meat and I needed three napkins - go figure!!
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Welcome to the world of sirloin burgers. You are now officially a burger snob! The first thing I thought of was "MERCA!" when I saw that pic. Pretty perfect looking burger. Now here's your perfect texture. Put your perfect sirloin burger on the grill at about 200degres and far away from the flame. Let it slowly come up to about 100-120. Remove and wrap in foil and set it aside. Now crank your grill up. Like you are trying to melt the thing down. Once there, Put that burger back on directly over flame for a minute per side. Don't know why it works, but that's the only way I can do sirloin burgers now. And don't be affraid to throw an egg on top of it.
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Those burgers look great. I recently got a grinder and i cannot believe the difference it makes. While i haven't done a sirloin ground for burgers yet, i have done ground chuck roast and brisket flat and they are awesome. I actually just finished off the last 4 of them last night so it is time to get to grinding again i believe :)
Welcome to the world of sirloin burgers. You are now officially a burger snob! The first thing I thought of was "MERCA!" when I saw that pic. Pretty perfect looking burger. Now here's your perfect texture. Put your perfect sirloin burger on the grill at about 200degres and far away from the flame. Let it slowly come up to about 100-120. Remove and wrap in foil and set it aside. Now crank your grill up. Like you are trying to melt the thing down. Once there, Put that burger back on directly over flame for a minute per side. Don't know why it works, but that's the only way I can do sirloin burgers now. And don't be affraid to throw an egg on top of it.

This will work! I will definitely try it. Thanks!
Those burgers look great. I recently got a grinder and i cannot believe the difference it makes. While i haven't done a sirloin ground for burgers yet, i have done ground chuck roast and brisket flat and they are awesome. I actually just finished off the last 4 of them last night so it is time to get to grinding again i believe :)

I need to get a grinder, it's high on my bucket list. My question, and I don't know anything about grinders, is: Why did my butcher say she would grind it twice? Does that have to with the blades? I have no idea but want to get this right before I get a grinder.
Jose,that's a mighty fine looking burger! I've found that fresh ground is an absolute MUST! As I'm sure Rich and Barb D. will find out,once you grind you're own,it's a physical impossibility to just go buy ground beef from whatever store you shop at for burgers!

You're right on! Barb and I ground up a chuck roast yesterday and had the best burger I've had in a long long time and with Barbs homemade onion rings I was one happy camper. Moist, tender and great flavor. Next stop top sirloin and chuck roast mix.
Also no more store bought hamburger for us, we'll be grinding our own from now on. There is just no comparison.

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Jose,IIRC,the instructions that came with the KA grinder attachment said to run the meat through the grinder twice. I'm not sure why,it didn't say. The first time I used it,I ran it through twice and it was good. The next time,I ground up some turkey breast,also running it through twice. That was a little too fine and mushy. So I've just been running mine through once,using the finer plate. Works great for my needs!
You're right on! Barb and I ground up a chuck roast yesterday and had the best burger I've had in a long long time and with Barbs homemade onion rings I was one happy camper. Moist, tender and great flavor. Next stop top sirloin and chuck roast mix.
Also no more store bought hamburger for us, we'll be grinding our own from now on. There is just no comparison.


Jose - do like Rich did! (I'm gonna try some rings soon maybe tonight)
I just did a search on grinding meat twice. Most said that for burgers,grinding once is fine. One source said that grinding chuck twice was a way to distribute the fat throughout the whole grind. But where you had sirloin,I'm not sure. I'd ask why the next time.

