Bubba Dinner



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
My son wants me to take the day off and goto the Giants game tomorrow, they're needing some serious cheering on. I said you cook dinner, I'll take us to the game tomorrow (I love calling in sick to goto ball games) :cool:

Bubba's Crock Pot Pulled Pork / Tacos








The kid can cook, I wish he'd teach the old man how
Great looking Taco's, Chuck. He did a nice job. Would you do me a favor and take some of that great Chuck/Bubba cooking to the Yard today and give it to the Giants. They need a boost to get out of this funk they are mired in. I'm confident that would do it.
Great looking Taco's, Chuck. He did a nice job. Would you do me a favor and take some of that great Chuck/Bubba cooking to the Yard today and give it to the Giants. They need a boost to get out of this funk they are mired in. I'm confident that would do it.
As asked, as done. A no hitter today, one walk in the second kept it from being a perfect game



You're the man, Chuck!!! I've been waiting all afternoon for your comment. One more favor. Vogey's pitching against the Red's tomorrow. Think you and your son could burn another sick day and work your magic again?
Nice cook, young man. He is getting better and better Chuck!!!
He's way better cook, he just needs to get a hand on the smokers, and it'll all be his to cook

Proof, he might be better cook, but I'm smarter, cuz he's cooking and I'm just eating :)
He's way better cook, he just needs to get a hand on the smokers, and it'll all be his to cook

Proof, he might be better cook, but I'm smarter, cuz he's cooking and I'm just eating :)
Method too the madness. Great looking tacos.

