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Dan Bond

TVWBB Member
This is my second try at britu and they get better every time, as usual the WSM held its temp steady and cooking ribs really slow and low. The first picture is the temp gauge before putting the sauce as well as the second only a picture of the ribs.


Congrads! The pics look great! Ahh favorite...I used to have a hard time getting the family all in one place for a large dinner. Now I just have to tell them that BRITU is on the menu.
If you make it...they will come...
Great job, congrads again.
Hey, Dan, I see you got two slabs on there now!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Those look good (as did your first attempt.) Of course, I can't taste them from here, but I think you are definitely in the realm of just needing to play with seasonings a bit to get it right for your taste. The meat looks good. I'm sure you're getting the hang of what they feel like when done, too (that was my biggest hangup early.)

Keep crankin' 'em out!

Looks good Dan!

Just remember this is all about good times. Don't get too hung up over small issues, just keep perfecting your methods until you've got it to your liking (you can usually tell by weight - yours should double by the time you've got it perfected)!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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