Brisket water pan or no water pan


Andy V

TVWBB Member
Was wondering if I should fill the water pan with water or sand on my first cook of brisket.

Also, do I need to foil? I am against foiling, but I was wondering if this is a must ?
I use neither. I just use an empty water pan as a heat shield which I foil for easy cleanup and let her go. You do not need to foil but it can help to speed things up and I'm told may help prevent overly dry meat. Many also use butcher paper wrap if you have some of that and want to try it. Probably the most important thing is to start with decent meat and cook until probe tender rather than just a temperature and then rest (the meat, not you) after cooking. I'm a firm believer in the KISS principle for barbecue...relax and enjoy, it's all good.:cool:
I use water in the pan. but you can do no water also and foil the water pan for easy cleanup.
I foil my brisket but you dont have too...
I real like to use water in the pan for long cooks like with brisket or butts. I will boil the water in a stock pot before I put it in the pan. This really helps to get your temp up quicker and you don't waist a lot of heat in your cooker, like you would if you used cooler water.
I don't use water anymore, just foil the pan each time. When the brisket hits around the 170 mark, I put in a big foil pan which I have shaped to fit on my 22" WSM, cover with foil, and take it to finish. This steams it a bit for a quicker finish, and collects some juice which I pour back on when serving.

