Brisket is on!


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
I am working at home today, so took the opportunity to fire up the WSM, and get the 11lb brisket out of the fridge. Is it not a wonderful thing that I can go from "I think I should cook this brisket today" to cooker fired up, brisket trimmed/rubbed, and meat on the grill at 200 degrees in about 30 minutes?!?! I expect I'll have 225 dialed in solid within another 30 minutes, and I'll be able to go about my day with an occasional check on the therm to confirm what I already know......the WSM is humming along right where I left it.

I suppose that the day could be better, and I wouldn't be working at all, but this seems like a pretty good compromise.

I know, without pics, it didn't happen...

I did the same thing with a pork butt a couple of fridays ago.
Usually I like to overnight it with a rub on, but I had the time, equipment, and training, so I went for it.

So Rich, what time should we be there for dinner? Also do we need to bring anything with with us.

Well, as they say, it's done when it's done, so I can't really give you a time. If you bring a bottle of your favorite bourbon, and/or a cigar or two, then we'll have something to do while we wait for the brisket to let us know when it's ready.


What a perfect day! Not sure what the weather is like up yonder, but down here we're having midwest weather...T-storms! Still, would be very happy to be at home smoking up a brisket.

Hope it turns out well for you. Cigar sounds mighty nice as well...

Hey Rich and Mac,Room for a third? San Mateo is not that far a drive from Sacramento. I don't have any Bourbon but I do have a bottle of Hangtown Red. It is said to be a very good BBQ wine. I don't mind sharing.
Come on down, Steve!! I just cracked a bottle of Scherrer Old Vine Zinfandel. Brisket is moving slowly (about 168 in the point), so I kicked it up a few degrees.

Still predictably boring, though.....



I'm hanging in there..... Nice to know that if you were me you'd ".....smoke all day!" I am me, and I don't get to do that.

Will need to get your secret!!

Done!! Pretty tasty, not my best, but hard to be Thursday night brisket dinner!



Thanks for coming along for the ride!


Just picked up a brisket from my local butcher and saw you had just done yours. What kind of rub do you us??. I did one a couple of weeks ago but added too much pepper, so this time I need to calm down on that, but still trying to find the right rub to suit. This is only my second brisket so very much on a learning curve. Any tips or advice are always welcome. Your brisket looks great. On my last last brisket I used ground black pepper, garlic salt and some tony's as my rub. Cooked it to 185 and then wrapped it and left in the cool box to rest for 24 hrs, then warmed it up for sandwiches. It was really good but just a little too peppery for the family. Plan on firing up the WSM tomorrow morning.
Looks pretty good to me Rich! Nice and juicy! Not bad for a thursday that you were working and trying to do a brisket. That's commitment!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Alan Mathews:

Just picked up a brisket from my local butcher and saw you had just done yours. What kind of rub do you us??. I did one a couple of weeks ago but added too much pepper, so this time I need to calm down on that, but still trying to find the right rub to suit. This is only my second brisket so very much on a learning curve. Any tips or advice are always welcome. Your brisket looks great. On my last last brisket I used ground black pepper, garlic salt and some tony's as my rub. Cooked it to 185 and then wrapped it and left in the cool box to rest for 24 hrs, then warmed it up for sandwiches. It was really good but just a little too peppery for the family. Plan on firing up the WSM tomorrow morning.
Alan </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Alan. How big is the brisket you picked up? Is it untrimmed or trimmed? I did a couple briskets last weekend which you can see here:

Both were more than 15lbs before trimming. I used Jim Minion's rub receipe and I just modified it. It calls for:

2 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar
2 Tablespoons Ground Black Pepper
2 Tablespoons Sweet Paprika
2 Tablespoons pure chili pepper powder
2 Teaspoons Onion Salt
2 Teaspoons Garlic Salt
2 Teaspoons Celery Salt
2 Teaspoons Seasoning Salt

I dropped the granulated sugar, chili powder and seasoning salt and since I had two I doubled everything else. I added 1/2-3/4 a box of Dark Brown Sugar. I don't know exactly how much it was because I just used what I had left. I also injected the meat with Beef Stock. Came out amazing! Probably the best I have ever done.

I used Dizzy Pig's Red Eye Express (a coffee infused rub), so that probably doesn't help you much. The one Chuck listed above looks good.

As far as method goes, I tend to cook at or around 225 (seems like that's the temp that works best for me), and I foil at about 170/175, then start checking for tenderness (probe method) around 185/190. Last night's brisket came off the grill at about 194, and sat in foil for about 90 minutes waiting for me to finish up with the kids' bedtime routines!

Good luck on your next brisket, and let us know how it goes!

Rich your Brisket looks Spot On! Nice Job my friend.
I wish I would have accepted your invitation and drove on down. It sure looks worth the drive.
Nice looking brisket there! Hard to go wrong with a nice brisket.

If you ever find yourself short on time Tony Chacharo's Creole seasoning makes a great rub for beef. It is a tad on the salty side, but for a large piece of meat like brisket it works really well.
Great looking brisket Rich, can I come for leftovers? A bit of a hike from Toronto, but I will pack some Woodford Reserve and as far as cigars...Romeo y Julieta from Habana ok? (love the Canadian passport

