Brisket done our way


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
This Sunday we smoked a brisket point. So here it goes.

Got the wsm ready with hickory chunks


Point was seasoned with salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder


The wsm settles at 265... So I left it alone.
Water in the pan....disregard the chuck roast in the side that's for something else


My BBQ and grilling partner. I found this pic under my BBQ pics so I'm assuming she took it when we were outside cooking.


After 6 hours it was done. @ 195 started to check for tenderness. 199 it was perfect.



I have seen guys do this before I'm guessing is to show it's done perfect?


We found this bread that had cheese,garlic, jalapeños baked in... Maribel lightly toasted them.


Plated with a little North Carolina sauce and my moms veggie recipe.


Thanks for stoping by

Tony and Maribel
Tony, that is a gorgeous piece of moist meat! You've even outdone yourself.

Also...don't tell a man to disregard a chuck roast! ;) Whatcha got going on there?
Man, I wish I could find a point for sale around here. Looks sooooo moist and tender. I love brisket point.

I figured what that chuck was for -- can't wait to see your entry.
I have seen guys do this before I'm guessing is to show it's done perfect?

That's usually done with the flat because it's leaner. You rendered the point's fat perfectly. Great job.

Did you get the point at a butcher shop?

