Brinkman Water Pan


Bradley Chopp

New member
Hello All...

I have herd/read many people comment about the small size of the WSM water pan and how great the Brinkman one works. Does Weber know this? Any chance that they change the size of the stock pan? Why wouldn't they? Maybe Moderator Chris has a contact a Weber who he has talked to about this. I can't imagine they would keep supplying the same pan if they knew so many people were buying a superior Brinkman water pan.
I don't believe Brinkman makes a superior charcoal pan (used as a water pan). The bigger pan is used for Long cooks, like over night. It holds more water. I don't know about you but, I don't want to set an alarm to get up every couple of hours to add water.

I M lazy
I have a Brinkmann pan as well and I love it.

It does have at least one small drawback though.

When my ring is loaded to the hilt, there isn't much room for large smoke chunks, to the point where I have gently wedged smoke wood between the coals and the pan. If that thing ever came down while I had my hands in the smoker and my face near the door I could get a real bad steam scald, but it's wide enough I don't see how it could.

I would prefer better access to the coals, but the extra hours between refills more than compensates IMHO.
Shawn I found out about that this past weekend. I had my brinkman pan in and when I put out the brisket and butt I put on the smokewood.

I was in the last 3 hours the next day I open the door to stoke the coals. which was the 2nd or 3rd time I had done so. Off to the side what do I see yea that piece of hickory I put on the fire the night before wedged between the pan and the fire ring. Man I was mad. I only threw on 1 piece of hickory. Well Next time I will know.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">If that thing ever came down while I had my hands in the smoker and my face near the door I could get a real bad steam scald, but it's wide enough I don't see how it could. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Just want to expand on this a bit, some of the TVWB reference info says the Brinkmann pan is wider than the Weber supplied pan. However, mine is exactly the same diameter.

I think it's worth noting to check if YOUR Brinkmann pan COULD come down on you in YOUR WSM before you start wedging smoke wood underneath it. Also, I think jiggling a completely full Brinkmann pan by wedging smoke wood underneath could cause a steam problem.
Shawn and Jeff

I know what you mean. I used my brinkman pan for the first time last weekend and discovered less room for wood chunks, but I felt there was enough room for my needs. However, having said that, I did two butts on an overnight cook and never had to get out of bed. I put em on around 9 pm, got the temp stabilized at 11 at around 225* and went to bed. Woke up once during the nite (3:30 am) and looked at the ET 73 remote. The temp was still 225* and I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I checked at 7 the next morning I still had about a third of a pan of water. The Weber pan would have been dry with a big temp spike.

Kim, you may be able to find one in Calgary, though I did not. I ordered directly from Brinkmann (by phone).

If I recall right mine was $14 US including shipping/taxes/duty. It was shipped and received promptly.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Kim Petersson:
Thanks Shawn. Ordering one sounds easier than trying to find one. Not too many places to chose from in town </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kim, I got mine from Here. It came in three days.

In reading this thread, I just have to point out that a couple of times people refer to the brinkman pan as the brinkman water pan. Actually it is the brinkman charcoal pan that you want. The link Tony posted takes you to the right thing - the charcoal pan.
Yes, my is the Brinkman Charcoal Pan, not "water pan."

It seems to me that many people like using the Brinkman Charcoal Pan as a water pan much more than the WSM water pan. I guess I am still wondering why doesnt Weber provide a Brinkman Charcoal Pan-sized water pan?
One only needs the extra capacity of the larger water pan if they anticipate not being around/awake to replenish it when necessary. Perhaps Weber never considered the WSM being employed for overnight cooks.
Just used Tony Hunter's link to Bass Pro Shops to order the Brinkman charcoal pan. Thanks Tony. Was suprised to see that the price was only 4 bucks...shipping was just as much, so I ordered a couple bags of wood chunks as well to offset Actually, the wood wasn't a bad deal either..4 bucks for a 10# bag.

Well....back to the 10 pounds of baby back ribs to tend to!!

I am using my Brinkman water pan right now. The charcoal pan has slits and holes in it, plus, by just looking at it, it would be too wide to use. My Brinkman is probably 3-4 years old so they might have changed them. The water pan off of mine fit perfectly onto the WSM.
There actually are/were multiple types of Brinkmann charcoal pans. The old type, a shallow cylindrical shape with or without two small slots in the middle of the bottom; the large aluminized model, with the ribbed bottom; and the porcelain-coated model we like to use in the WSM.
I looked on their website and the porcelain-coated charcaol pan is 15 1/2" - I am assuming that is the diameter. The water pan is 13 1/2".

I used the water pan today and it seemed to fit fine. After the WSM cools down I will go and check how much play is there and if it could fall off because it is smaller.

I wonder if the diameter they are measuring is the pan itself - where you would put charcaol or water in, or the edge of the lip?

If the water pan turns out to be a good fit, is there a reason I should not use it. I used it today, but if it is going to be a safety hazard because of the size, I will not use it again.

Mine is 15" exactly, including the rim; 13" without. Apparently, all smoker manufacturers can't measure correctly.
Apparantly they can't. I was too curious to let the WSM cool down, so I put on some BBQ gloves and measured - exactly 15".

As I said earlier mine is an older model, they might have changed. Or the charcoal pan holds a larger volume. Or they are charging a $1 more for the same product saying it is larger. I would hope they have changed sizes since I bought mine.

Regardless, I used my WSM for the first time today, and was amazed how easy it was to control the temp and how well it held heat. The ribs were fantastic. Can't wait to use it again.

