Brew City Farmer's CheeseBurgers


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Have sweet corn and quartered taters on halfway done... added the Brew City Burgers.

These burgers are made with small bits of onions, pickles, Swiss cheese and a dose of beer/Worcestershire sauce.
OOooo... don't they look scrumptious??!!

Cut up some good ol' fashion Wisconsin Farmer's cheese kinda thin using a mandolin slicer.
Sliced a few Butter Top rolls then toasted those on the OTS while waiting for the BCBs to finish...topped 'em with the cheese...

...served it all up on paper plates (liz added green beans cuz she likes 'em)...

...and because someone out there (Don Cash) is now callin' me TwoPlateLampe, i've added another plate to house the sweet corn.

Yes John, I ruined another three ears of corn slathering mayo allll over them

This was a very easy dinner to prep and cook (and eet!) after a long day doing yard work. And you know what??!! I ain't done with the yard work!
Go figure.
Thank you for viewing, have a groovy nighttime!
Excellent looking meal there Jim. ? for you how do the pickle's taste being cooked in the burger's?
Another outstanding looking meal Jim and yes you ruined the corn again. Twoplate, lol I love that nickname for you
Great looking meal as usual!!

I know a guy that use to deer hunt with me that use ruin the pinto beans and cornbread I made every yr at the camp ! He put Mayo on them big spoon fulls
"My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people." ~ Orson Welles

...and six other plates.

I'm inspired! What do you do with the leftover beer? Make some kind of sauce?

Mayo on the corn?!! Ouch! Poor ears, they felt violated.
I sure do miss good ol Midwestern sweet corn. I used to eat that raw it was so dang sweet.

Thanks again Jim, you always give me some good ideas
Thank you all for the nice words

James, i barely tasted the pickles, i tossed em in for colour...?
although, they did not spoil the taste...
Ron, the leftover beer? What is leftover beer?
and Jim, I have/had no ripe peppers to grill... maybe this weekend after a visit to the grocer. and Tim, mayo on corn is wonderful! You GOTTA try it! Ain'So John?
Thank you all for your interest!
I hope everyone has a Great Independence Day celebration!

