Breakfast Of CHAMPIONS

Nice breakfast, Mr Lampe. What did the two others think of it? :p

Well, (deep subject) this is what happens when one is off work for a day.
See, it would not be healthy for you to retire.:p
Bet that hen has a sore, um, layer trying to keep up with you!

I know you don't do breakfast often, but when you do..........Look Out!!
thanks again my friends:)
sir geir, you are a funny man, why i love your sense of humour... it's a mystery:p
bob, you are correct, rarely do i breakfast, butt on occasion i do eet lunch and as stated above, this was really lunch. Richard. :D
Mr Jim

Wheaties were the breakfast of champions, not Cheerios. But your spread beats the heck out of any fiber in a box! I love bacon, eggs and toast, and will be trying BC style bacon soon.
Heck, I just ate breakfast and if I had that dish, I would eat again........................d

