I’m currently in the middle of another bread experiment that I hope goes well.
I was going to ask you for some advice on this Rich but I’ll just post it here to see if anyone else has any recommendation'.
I currently make 2 loafs at a time, each weighing 925 grams.
I make 1,850 gram batches then cut them in half before before I pre shape them or add inclusions in one half via laminations.
I use a standard large Lodge Dutch oven for the cook.
This cook I’m adding 50% to each loaf and using a flat cast iron pizza pan with some sort of a dome type cover.
I bought a large turkey aluminum pan but I don’t like that idea.
I’m going downtown to see about a large roast pan.
I’m not sure about adding steam.
I think pre heating a very small staines bowl under the dome and then adding water.
My kitchen aid oven has a steam mode but I’ve never used it and don’t think it will work for this situation.
So how would you cobble together an extra large loaf on a shoe string budget?
One idea is to fall on my butt and tell the wife that I need a Challenger Bread Pan
