Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Hi folks! Wednesday night, I chopped off the flapper of a dozen or so chicken wings...
then marinated them in a mixture of Stubbs Green Chile and Wickers
yesterday, I removed them from the juice, dried them a bit & seasoned'um with a combo of Penzey's California Pepper and Florida Pepper ...
FINALLY, on the 22" Weber Smoky Mountain Cooker... they kinda look like boomerangs....
lotsa hot Cowboy lump charcoal down there... and of course, no water pan to deflect the intense heat
Not sure how long they were on, butt I do remember moving them around to keep'm from stickin'
at this point, I thought of dippin'm in sa'more hot sauce, butt thought better of it....
besides, I figured they look pretty good the way they are...
once they were cooked, I tossed on a few slices of gaaaaalic'd up Italian bread
liz added steamed green beans for taste + colour
These were very tasty!
Love using the WSM for grillin' chicken direct... if you haven't tried it yet, go for it!
Thank you for stoppin' by tonight! Have a GREAT weekend!
then marinated them in a mixture of Stubbs Green Chile and Wickers
yesterday, I removed them from the juice, dried them a bit & seasoned'um with a combo of Penzey's California Pepper and Florida Pepper ...
FINALLY, on the 22" Weber Smoky Mountain Cooker... they kinda look like boomerangs....
lotsa hot Cowboy lump charcoal down there... and of course, no water pan to deflect the intense heat
Not sure how long they were on, butt I do remember moving them around to keep'm from stickin'
at this point, I thought of dippin'm in sa'more hot sauce, butt thought better of it....
besides, I figured they look pretty good the way they are...
once they were cooked, I tossed on a few slices of gaaaaalic'd up Italian bread
liz added steamed green beans for taste + colour
Love using the WSM for grillin' chicken direct... if you haven't tried it yet, go for it!
Thank you for stoppin' by tonight! Have a GREAT weekend!