Boney Beef Ribs & Smoked Bologna


Russell McNeely

TVWBB Wizard
Well, I'm almost embarrassed to post these boney beef ribs after seeing Jim Lampe's latest beef rib post. Oh well, here goes anyway.


Ribs seasoned with Lone Star Rub and on the WSM. Oak and apple wood for smoke.

<STRIKE>Ribs</STRIKE> Shiners done after about 4.5 hours at 250 degrees F.


Also had this chub of bologna on the bottom rack while the ribs were cooking


And here's your plate. Salad has Tonya's homemade balsamic vinegarette dressing on it.


Tasted great. Just need to find some meatier beef ribbies.

Thanks for your time!
Russ they look fabulous! I have a hard time finding good beefy ribs as well but looks like you handled it well!
Outstanding ribs and bologna Russ! I also can't find any good beefy ribs in this area. May either have to take a road trip to Wisconsin or just move in with JL!
You have to play the cards you're dealt Russ, and you made a Royal Flush out of those shiners!

Super looking baloney too!
My Okie kin bbq chubs fairly often, and I need to do one soon.
It is hard finding decent beef ribs. The bologna looks great, did you put anything on it when you cooked it?
Good beef ribs are hard to find most places but yours came out nice. I would almost kill for a slice of that bologna though. I really need to go buy me some of that.
Thanks for the nice comments folks.

Originally posted by John Solak:
The bologna looks great, did you put anything on it when you cooked it?

John, after scoring the bologna I mixed some plain yellow mustard and soy sauce in a bowl (didn't measure anything - just mixed it up to taste). I then slathered the bologna with mustard/soy mixture and then covered it with brown sugar. I cooked it in the foil pan with a very small amount of water in the pan.

or just move in with JL!

I'm ready when you are Mike!
This may not be what you want to hear, but the bologna looks great. Love the twist on the everyday meat product.

