Boneless Beef Ribs



TVWBB Member
I while back I found some cheap boneless beef ribs, something I had not cooked before. (I tear up pork ribs though!) I forget how I made them the first time, it may have been in the pressure cooker with some other stuff, but I wasn't impressed, so I froze the remaining 4 of the 6 pack. Tonight I decided to was going to try again, grill them and make tacos. Later I decided to just hit them with some Dale's seasoning and throw them on the grill and eat them like a steak, not tacos, though I already had Mexican rice going :)

I cooked them at about 400f on my Q1200 turning every 2 minutes until the internal temp was about 190 to let the collagen start to break down. They turned out pretty darn good, not ribeye tender, but darn tasty. I'll probably do the final 2 the same way.


They look awesome finished Jeff! Not sure I've ever cooked these before either, so I can't suggest anything but looks like you could treat it lower and slower indirect as an option as well. That being said I wouldn't be disappointed with that finished product either.
Those look really good. Must admit I've never cooked boneless beef ribs. I'm a fan of high heat cooks and will try to remember yours for future reference.

