Black Handles?


Richard Diaz

I was at Target yesterday and I walked over by the gardening/outdoor area and noticed a copper 22.5" one touch. I noticed that it had black handles. I wonder if it would fit on my WSM 22.5, they would sure look nice. I wonder how high heat black paint would do on the door and have an all black WSM?

Here are the pictures:



Originally posted by Richard Diaz: I wonder how high heat black paint would do on the door and have an all black WSM?

Clean it up, and hit it with some steel wool, and it should hold HH paint just fine.
I painted the handles on my OTG blk, and after almost a yr they still look good.

Weber CS may have the black handles available for an upgrade, so if you do call them let us know how that turns out.

What is THE BEST thing about that 1st photo...
(did you study it carefully or did it SHOOT YER EYE OUT KID??)
<span class="ev_code_GREY">i'll give ya a hint: look how the kettle is positioned with the legs... </span>

btw, All Weber handles fit on All Weber cookers.
Originally posted by Richard Diaz:
Does it have to do with the shelf on the bottom that lifted? If not then I don't know.
no Richard, the handle SHOULD be positioned over the wheel-less leg.
its funny how many kettles are put together in correctly. the one at one of the targets here has crushed legs. my favorite saying is "when all else fails, follow directions" !
I just ordered my handles from Weber CS directly. They are 5.20 for the pair, with shipping and taxes it ran me $12.00. I will post pictures once I have them.
They are 5.20 for the pair, with shipping and taxes it ran me $12.00.
I think black handles would look great on the WSM...
5.20 for the pair? that's daggum good! I might call for two pairs and replace my white ones on the smoker...

EDIT: Called Weber and will not sell the BLACK handles unless you have a registered Copper kettle.
Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">They are 5.20 for the pair, with shipping and taxes it ran me $12.00.
I think black handles would look great on the WSM...
5.20 for the pair? that's daggum good! I might call for two pairs and replace my white ones on the smoker...

EDIT: Called Weber and will not sell the BLACK handles unless you have a registered Copper kettle. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would suggest calling again, maybe you will get a different cs rep that will do it. I had no problem doing it. If you tell them that you know of someone on tvwbb cite that purchased it and mention the price they will do it also mention that the copper ots is a limited edition to target. I do not have a copper kettle, I told the cs rep that I was replacing my wsm handles cause they look cool and will be easier to clean and she understood. I will call weber cs tomorow and get the name of the trip for you. I would call again if I were you I'm sure it will work out better.
As a general rule, Weber does not like to sell parts for the purpose of mods. They reserve parts for warranty and worn-out/replacement purposes so that people who own the actual product in question can get the right parts when they need them.

Having said that...good luck.

... and that is basically what she told me... and I have no problem with that.
I do like the copper colour and perhaps I'll buy one then swap wood handles and use the black ones on the WSM.
Butt then I'd have seven kettles
Hypothetically speaking...

What if one were to buy a copper kettle, register it... then order the set of handles. And then return the grill.

Would that be terrible? Not that I would do such a thing... but just sayin'.
Depends on how bad you want the black handles, I guess.

