Black and Blue Steak


j biesinger

TVWBB Platinum Member
I had a cool meal at a place called Cure in Pittsburgh. Our entree featured a foam sauce that really inspired me. I've had my eye on an ISI whipper for close to a year, and that meal put me over the edge. About a week ago the ISI gourmet hit $72 on Amazon and I pulled the trigger. Over the weekend, I played around with some scrambled eggs in it, which were moderately successful, but had a cool idea for some black and blue steaks that got the green light from my wife.

Prime strip steak crusted with black pepper, grey salt, and thyme

being spring, we started with some favas and ricotta on grilled bruschetta

resting nicely

pepper crusted steak with Maytag cream and port wine reduction

heavy cream was heated and Maytag blue was melted into it. The cream gets strained into the whipper and charged with NO2 and chilled until service. I guess you really don't need the whipper as a mixer would work just as well.

Port wine was a simple reduction.

Given you only have 4 ingredients (port, blue cheese, cream and steak), and nothing technical about it, yet a great flavor combo and an awesome presentation, I'm looking forward to trying it out on some unsuspecting guests
I'd like to volunteer as one of those unsuspecting guests. You knocked this one out of the park Jeff. You've every reason to be proud. Simple, refined, but direct, with no flash. Really impressive. Beautiful pics as usual too...
I'd like to volunteer as one of those unsuspecting guests. You knocked this one out of the park Jeff. You've every reason to be proud. Simple, refined, but direct, with no flash. Really impressive. Beautiful pics as usual too...

I'm with Gary! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! If I were an envious person (I'm not) this would sure get my juices churning!!:cool: Good work, or should I say FINE work at the grill and behind the lens.

Good show, Mein Chef!!


