Big problem


Raleigh W.

TVWBB Member
OK, I've never had any issues with the SmokeFire. I'm one of the original owners who ordered long before they went on sale and it's been rock solid for all three+ years. Until today.

On Saturday I used it to cook some chicken. I saw that there was an app update so I checked prior to cooking and there was a corresponding firmware update as well. I updated everything and had a dramaless cook. I love the new features.

Today I went to cook a steak and I had no power. I checked the breaker, verified that power was getting to my outlet and still no luck. I pulled the fuse and from what I could tell it looked fine, no scorch marks and it was still white. I don't have a replacement fuse to try but it seems strange that this happened on the first startup since the update. I resorted to my charcoal Platinum to cook the steak. No fuses with that one.

Has anyone else had this issue? Has anyone else seen a blown fuse with no markings? I'm thinking it has to be the fuse because there's no indication that there's any power getting to the controller. What else could it be?

I haven't contacted Weber yet. I figure if there's a systemic issue I'll hear about it here first. If it's a one off then hopefully I can just replace the fuse. If it's a controller issue that more serious and Weber will definitely hearing about it.
Stupid question, you made sure the cord is plugged in firmly in the SmokeFire? That got me once and has a few others.
Oh yeah, checked the cord, the outlet and the breaker. It could be coincidence with the firmware upgrade which is why I'm asking the question of you guys. Luckily I still have charcoal skills too. :)
Oh yeah, checked the cord, the outlet and the breaker. It could be coincidence with the firmware upgrade which is why I'm asking the question of you guys. Luckily I still have charcoal skills too. :)
I upgraded a couple days ago, be something to keep an eye on.
The fuse should not really blow for no reason but good idea to check it since there seems to be no power. As Larry said, best way is an ohm meter. The rating and fuse type should be marked on the fuse endcap. You should see a current and voltage listed as well as some letters. The letters tell you what type of fuse it is.

When you say the breaker is OK I assume you mean the house breaker. Try plugging something into the same outlet that will pull a little current (like an electric heater) to make sure the breaker is good. I've seen breakers that will say they're "on" and even light up a test lamp. But when you try to pull any meaningful current - nothing - bad contacts or bad connection to the busbar.
Also: not wanting to come across as trying to tell you what to do but this is probably a good time to recommend that if you keep your power cord connected to your electrical outlet while not in use it might be a good idea to unplug it while not in use. An electrical spike can cause problems.
I heard back from Weber with several suggested things to look for. But I decided to go with the easiest first and ordered a box of fuses from Amazon. They arrive yesterday and I got out today to swap it. Everything seems to be to normal. Appreciate the tips and advice.
Hi Raleigh, what fuse did you end up ordering? My SF failed to launch, and on Father's rude

I was looking for that chart. LOL. Could not find it. Glad you did. I can tell ya from personal (careless) experience a combo wrench can carry a TREMENDOUS amount of current before melting. Found out one day replacing a heat riser valve on a 67 or 68 Caddy. Forgot to pull neg cable off. Dropped my wrench, and it landed right on the bat terminal of the starter and to ground. In an instant it began glowing and melting. Thank heaven my shop foreman heard the commotion and cut the bat cable. They made me pay for everything too LOL. Careless mistake, never made again.

