Best time of year to sell a grill?



New member
Sitting on two acquisitions, that i would like to maximize, to subsidize the cost of my keeper grills. Being that temps dropped into the 50s, I don't think my offerings will fetch top dollar. Wonder from those with knowledge.
I'm new to flipping grills, just trying to maintain my keepers too. I would say early spring to list your flippers. Say March/April time. Of course everyone wants/needs one for July 4th, so I'd say June is just as good as early spring. Aug/Sept may still get lucky with a good sell, but as the summer winds down so does demand.

Following your thread too! Cheers!
I think that these observations are correct, but my experience up to now has been limited to South Florida, the land of endless summer. Now that I live in the Midwest, I am trying to learn about seasons, etc. You can see that activity even on this board goes down a lot as the weather gets cold. So, I think does interest in buying grills. Maybe a little blip at Christmas, but I don't know. I think you would probably do better if you don't mind storing by waiting for warmer weather. About the time oceans of junk grills appear out front of your Lowes, Menards and Home Depot...
True, the only grill I sold so far was posted for over a week. Kept getting under asking price offers, I was not in a rush, kettle was not bugging anyone in the backyard.
True, the only grill I sold so far was posted for over a week. Kept getting under asking price offers, I was not in a rush, kettle was not bugging anyone in the backyard.

You pretty much have to build in some padding in your posted price, because most people shopping for used items on these sites expect a “deal.”
I agree with the above. I see you are in California. If you are in SoCal, then it is more like jon describes with a year round "grilling season". If not, a lot, but not all put their grills away for the winter or at least curtail their grilling. Demand for new grills drops off as well. Up in Wisconsin, demand for my rehabs is really good in April to July 4th. Maybe a little drop off after that and then after Labor day it begins to wind down quick. But I have still sold grills for full asking price into October up here. Seems guys like buying them for their hunting
After that, it would be tough to move a grill up here. But, if you have the space to store the grill, it doesn't cost to post it on FB MP or CL.
I post my rehabs for a set price and won't deviate as I don't have much problem moving them. But an un rehabbed grill might be better off priced with a little wiggle room built in IMO. Put them up and see what happens. Nothing to lose. Keep us posted on how it works out.
i live in san jose calif and have no problem selling refabd grills at least 1 a week never ending summer
Wow, Rich! I have been a little nervously awaiting my first cold Midwest winter since I was a student in Chicago. So far, here, though, only a few mornings just below freezing and on Sunday it hit 81 degrees! I thought I was back in Florida 😁 .
Yep Jon, big swing in the weather. That was a beautiful early November week we had last week. Temps up here are still respectable, maybe even a bit above normal this time of year.

