Hi Van,
I don't have that one but others here have commented about it positively. Honestly though, pretty much everything I know about smoking on a WSM or Kettle is as a result of researching member posts here at TVWBB, and asking lots of questions too. Not that you shouldn't check out other resources on smoking, just saying what my experience has been.
I like Gary Wiviott's Low and Slow. Take it with a grain of salt and a good sense of humor. It's really good for new cooks, complete with drawings and very basic instructions about building a fire, brines, rubs, marinades, etc.
I also like Big Bob Gibson's BBQ Book by Chris Lilly. Nice read with good photos.
+1 on Low and Slow and BB Gibson's BBQ Book. I also agree that the info on this site is great and there's alot of free stuff on google and you tube. I also bought Wicked Good Barbeque by Andy Husbands and Chris Hart. It's good but I like the other two better. Lots of unusual recipes in the Wicked Good book. I'd buy the new Weber book but I think I have enough.