best lump charcoal

Originally posted by Robert Clark:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by r benash:
Hey Robert. I think I dropped some Humphrey bags off to you awhile back...

Only member dropping me off something was tri tip from Trueths. Can't remember who it was though. That was a loooong time ago.

Also, I think Humphreys largest bags are 40#. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, that was me. And pretty sure some bags of Humphrey's but I could be mistaken. I am out of tri tips now as well and will probably do another stop down to VA. Another opportunity for a group buy if you will

I really think there should be a group buy forum on this site.


Then broken down into regions or something like that.

We could leverage various folks memberships into clubs, proximity to restaurant supplies, etc, etc.

Just a thought perhaps for Chris to add the to the forum/s I think once it caught on there would be our own buying "clubs" if you will where we leverage price and/or qulaity product buys and reachability to those who can't readily get say - "the good stuff"
Originally posted by Robert Clark:

Only member dropping me off something was tri tip from Trueths. Can't remember who it was though. That was a loooong time ago.
You Phunny Man. Guilty as charged.

O.K. As far as lump goes I get mine in Shillington/Reading PA at F.M Brown and sons in the 40lb bags. Yes I've used Wicked Good, Maple Leaf, Lazzari, B&B Oak, Royal Oak, etc... Oh my the lump list, and money spent on lump delivered to my house is through the roof and then some over the years. All that said, Humphrey's will stand up to, and burn as long as the best of them can, and I get it local, no shipping charges involed. I can pack my ring in my 10 year old 18.5" WSM with Hump Lump and it will burn for 20 -22 hrs on a single load. Love the Hump lump and you can have your K-Blue briq crap. And as always this is just my opinion. B
I would love to get in on the WGC lump buy. I live in MD, but in AA Co so it could be a bit of a drive to meet up north by the MD/PA/DE line depending on where the pickup point is. Willing to do it if the price is good. I would take at least 10 bags.

On WGC's website, it says a pallet holds a min of 30 lump bags and up to 60 bags. So the price per bag will be much less for 60 bags since shipping costs are same for 30 or 60.

If some members in Annapolis, eastern shore, DC, and southern MD want to get together on a pallet buy, I'd be in as well. I just can't find a place to deliver it since you need a loading dock or a fork lift to lift it off the truck to make it affordable. I think WGC offers shipping with a lift gate service, but it is double the shipping price (IIRC when I inquired awhile ago).

If this doesn't work out, then I'm going to try to find some Humphreys somewhere within a reasonable distance. (only found it in Hampstead so far)

So we have 3 folks at 10 bags now. Just need one more.

I'll try to carve some time out to talk with WG today to see if we can find decent price on a single pallet.
Originally posted by Steve Cole:
If you buy a pallet, you have to find a shipping destination the shipping company will agree to. I'd verify the address first. You'll also need to be able to unload the truck fast either with a fork lift or pallet jack. If you try to unload it by yourself and it takes too long, the shipper may slap an additional fee on you. Just be aware of your responsibility as the receiver of the shipment.

Yeah, been through this with other stuff. I've had pallets unloaded in front of my house. They just need to drop and run.
I'm waiting for pricing now for a pallet of 30 bags of WW Lump.

30 bags is the minimum/60 maximum for single pallet. Shipping charges do not change from 1 to 3 pallets regardless of bag count within the 30/60 range.

It does change from 4 pallets on.

I'll get back once I have that pricing.

I've asked for pricing on 30 but also on how the pricing changes as you move to 60 bags.
Pricing on half pallet from Wicked is a wash. Looking at options. Will get back. So I am working on a "half pallet order" of 30 bags.

Shame we can't get more momentum in terms of larger order. But hey I will work on best effort for 30 bags.

Let's see what I come up with.

In the end I will stay with my favorite Hump lump and just buy a bag or two of Wicked to try.

I'll get back later today. I do expect if you signed up for 10 bags you are still in

Otherwise we just kill the order. Fun to check out.

Again - we should have a group buy forum on this site IMHO.

I may push the KCBS membership and VWB membership opportunity as I work an order/pricing further today.
I do expect if you signed up for 10 bags you are still in

I was waiting on pricing after a shipping quote to see if it's worth it.
I ordered two bags from them earlier in the summer and it came to about $1 per lb. on a regular order.
Scott: I have ordered 3 bags of lump from WGC several times and it has also always come out to be right around $1/lb.

Ray: from what I was told when I talked to WGC about pallets before, the shipping cost for 60 bags on a pallet is same price as for 30 bags. So, you are only paying for the additional bags if you get 60. Obviously, the price per bag will go down a bit if you get a 60 bag pallet, which would be better if we can get people to account for all 60.

I can check with a couple of friends of mine to see if they would take 10.

I am trending towards working with a wholesaler that keeps volume in stock. Have a line on one and will check today.

So yes - typically retail on lump is around $1ish a pound. If you find a wholesaler you get much lower than that.

Frankly it's the same scenario with Humphrey's. Regional wholesalers pass the price if you will when you buy 10 bags or more and it typically gets down to 50-75 cents a pound.

I'm just wanting to experiment with Wicked Good for pricing instead of just sampling 1 bag. I am at the point where I am going to buy 100 lb plus of Humprey's to replenish. If a Wicked Good buy fits at similar pricing would like to give it a shot is all.

Let's see what pricing I come up with today.
Some pricing info to date:

Best price on WG = From a wholesaler in Elizabethown, PA who has 800 bags in stock:

$14.80 ea. for 22 lb bag, same price half skid (30) or full skid (60), so around .68 a lb

Current price of Humphrey from Pottstown Roller Mill in Pottstwon, PA is $12.25 per 20lb bag or about .65 lb. Over 30 bags gets a little cheaper but not much.

I'd like to pursue the opportunity for some WG from the wholesaler in E-Town. Today I will call Fred's Music and BBQ in Shillington PA. They were supposed to call me back with bulk pricing. I'll follow up. Maybe also give BQ Guru a call as well.

Once I get the opportunity set up I may move this conversation to another forum.
Update COB today. Best opportunity is the wholesaler in E-town.

14.80 a 22lb bag 30-60 bags.

I will call up next week and close the deal.

Scott and Keith - you two still in? With the 3 of us it would 30 bags at $14.80 a bag.

Please confirm?

If everyone looses interest I might just see if I can get 10 bags for myself.

.68 a lb

Done talking now, just need to know who is in and then go get it.
Originally posted by r benash:
Some pricing info to date:

Best price on WG = From a wholesaler in Elizabethown, PA who has 800 bags in stock:
Dude, That's like right next door to me, like 15 min tops. I got the HD 2500 RAM If you need my help, let me know. B
Originally posted by Scott B (nj):
How good is it? How does it compare to royal oak or Stubbs. I may very well be interested.

Hi Scott - I can't say. I've done the read many many times of lump from the Naked Whiz reviews. It's a old, old compendium that gets updated and has a very low level detail and reviews.

I have never used Wicked Warrior. Thing is I want to try it. It's got a lot of respect from lump bigots. So I am going to try 10 bags.

I always buy lump in bulk and find a wholesale or close to that pricing. I'm not into paying full retail/single bag pricing.

Wicked Good has an excellent rep from lump bigots over time as well as the naked whiz reference.

I'm going to try it.

Otherwise - it's "buy time" in that I'm down to 2 bags of my favorite lump (Humphrey's) that I can get at .65 lb OR try Wicked on this buy for .68 a lb.

If others want to join in - that's what I want to know. Wanting to do a buy from this distro up thread. Half skid (30 22lb bags) or higher. A full skid is 60 bags.

I have used Roayl Oak and Stubbs sample bags.
They are both good but don't compare to Hump lump but again I haven't tried Wicked Good WW. I'm wanting to give it a long try to compare to Humphrey for this run.

Guys - please confirm let me know if you are still in for 10 bags. Other folks can work with 10 bag or greater buyers to do a split.

Bottom line is I will pick up 30 bag minimum to do a group thing which would be fun.

If folks "waffle out" I'll just do a run and pick up the 10 bags I want at best price at this wholesaler in E-town.
Originally posted by Bryan S:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by r benash:
Some pricing info to date:

Best price on WG = From a wholesaler in Elizabethown, PA who has 800 bags in stock:
Dude, That's like right next door to me, like 15 min tops. I got the HD 2500 RAM If you need my help, let me know. B

You so phunny
You know I was baiting you
I'm well aware of your proximity to E-Town. Figured it might be good to see you again and show off my '65 pan resto.

Regardless if you want to share let me know? Maybe it will just be me and you splitting 30 bags

I still have those two bags of Hump marked with your name for that trade on apple wood if you still have it
Really good to see you back on the board again Bryan. Learned lots from your posts.

I would really like to get to group buy fun stuff like lump and tri-tips once or twice a year. Our own buyer club if you will
We just need to get these other SE PA/tri state folks in gear. We could have some fun gatherings IMHO.

BTW - I'm taking the 65 pan for a run to Bloomsburg today. Leaving around noon or earlier. Let me know if you want to meet up for a run with your bagger

I WILL be talking to you when it comes time to pickup if we actually have a buy for 30 bags or so.

I am in and I talked to 2 friends of mine and they are in for 15 more. So I am in for 25 total. If you need a number rounded to 10, then get me 30.

Let me know where this will be delivered as I am not that close to SE PA being in Annapolis.

I don't get on the forum all day long, so if needed email me at

Thanks Keith:

So here is what I have so far:

KeithG 25
Me 10
Scott maybe 10

Scott - let me know ASAP if you are in at .70 lb (rounded).

I'm going to get firm pricing today and post. I would be picking this up in Elizabethown, PA We will need to come up with a drop point. I'll probably just rent a trailer from U-haul. I can get one for $16 day.

Bryan S, anyone else interested. I will post final price on the bags FOB E-town today. You would just need to add couple dollars toward the trailer rental on top of that.
Sorry for the delay Ray - Unfortunately I'm gonna be out for this one.
Just started renovating my kitchen and ran in to an unforeseen expense (my wife decided to go from a laminate counter top to granite
, knowing my Mrs., it probably shouldn't have been unforeseen.) so there goes my lump fund.
Here's the hard facts on the Wicked group buy:

Pricing is FOB Elizabethtown, PA

Half pallet price (30bag min) 14.79 or .67 the lb
Full Pallet price (60 bag min) 14.00 or .62 the lb

I would need to pick this up on a M-F and do the drop so I don't need to rent the trailer for more than one day (best case).

We could meet say somewhere over the PA/MD on route 15 or 83 say Thumont or Cockeysville respectively.

Caveat - I would run farther south but I would need just a few $ to compensate for additional costs and effort, as in I would be taking time off work to do this as it's a weekday. We can barter for that too. I'm not looking to make anything just keep my personal per bag price reasonable if you will just like you.

Else I take everything to my place (Havertown, PA) and you folks find you way to me and pick up you shipment. I would want you to come pick up on the next Saturday or whenever you can make it before that.

So a little planning and we can close this and have some fun.

We could probably use Paypal to get me the money. I would want that up front as I have no place to store any more than my own 10 bags if you don't show or change your mind after the fact.

I'm going to move this topic to the Other Discussion/Just Conversation location and go from there. I think I've pushed this thread enough. I'll update here with the URL. If we end up with others that are interested, mores the better IMHO.

Updating, because folks local to Elizabethtown, PA (Bryan S for example) would be interested.

This distributor has 800 bags in stock. Anyone can arrive at there warehouse and pick up small lot orders. I.E. you don't need to buy 30 bags to get the $14.79 price. That's the standard.

So Bryan and other locals you now have a source to pick up Wicked Good Weekend Warrier Lump at $14.79 a 22lb bag or thereabouts any time.

30 Industrial Road
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022
(888) 972-6323

