Best griddle for the Q1000/Q1200?


Stefan H

Stainless is always good IMO. But, do you want the little lip, like they have on the cast iron ones? Unless someone on here has personal experience with them and chimes in, I would just go with the feed back and descriptions and make the choice. I don't think I would pay double for a Weber branded one. They probably are made in China just like the others.
Good point about the lip. It helps keeping the grease in when cooking bacon. But it looks like they have holes too. Which then defies the lip. 😂 And yes I agree on cast iron. Not rocket science to make. I think I give the Qulimetal a try. I like their other products. And yes Weber parts come from Far East as well. So there is really no need to pay twice for a product made there. I wish I could purchase some locally made products. I am even willing to pay. I rather pay $50 to $100 to a local shop than to a large corporation who produces Overseas. But That is another story.
I assume those drain holes on the CI griddles are placed in a good spot so that they drip away from the burners. Otherwise, it could be a big problem if a bunch of bacon grease or other grease flows down over the burner tubes. It looks like they probably drip to the outside of the burners and then will run down the side into the grease tray.
Damn, I wish I had known about those other cast iron options. I bought the Weber one about a year and a half ago. I paid $50ish for it.

I did look at the stainless one but didn't like that it doesn't have a lip. I've definitely enjoyed mine. The holes aren't as much of a factor as you'd think. They are situated away from the flame and honestly you would have to really purposely direct the grease to them to get a lot of flow through them.

Here are some pics of mine in action






I ordered the Qulimetal griddle today. I will report how it works when I get it. Cast iron has been around for centuries. No reason to charge $50. $25 is already expensive. One can get whole dutchovens for half that price.
Stefan - I have the Qulimetal griddle for the Q 2000/2200. Got it this spring, and it's holding up great. Dimensions are 100% correct, and grease holes are big enough and don't drip on the burners. Just season it like you would any cast iron and it's good to go.
Do you guys worry about grease fires at all with the gas and bacon grease?
I've got a griddle on my kettle, but can easily direct the grease down either hole away from flames. Seems like it would be hard to control on a Q, but maybe not...
When I need a griddle surface for my Q I just use a cast iron skillet. The Lodge 10" skillet fits my Q1200 and if I want a bigger griddle I use this Lodge CI platter. It just barely fits.

Walmart had almost all of their Lodge cast iron on sale for around 50% off. I posted in the Buy, Sell, Trade forum, but none replied.

Looks like a couple of their 10" pieces are still on sale.

Old thread, I know, but I use stainless steel cookware inside. I have poor ventilation in the kitchen, especially over winter. Why can't I use an all stainless skillet on my Q1000 as I might on a gas range indoors instead of an additional griddle accessory? I'm thinking scallops and other fish, mostly. Not even sure I'd even close the lid for this use. I have a butane burner but when it's breezy, not a great choice. IOW, the Q could become my outdoor gas range on occasion. I don't care for or use cast iron skillets as stainless steel gives me an equal sear and is much easier to maintain (for my purposes). What might I not know that some of you do?
Same here, SS for me but does anyone know if there's a SS griddle available for the Q1000? It looks like Stanbroil doesn't make one anymore.
Yah, Stanbroil used to have a lot of great SS accessories for Weber grills but a couple years ago, they downsized their offerings quite a bit.
Yup, I should have purchased the griddle when they had it available. I guess their SS grates is popular since it's still available.
Extremely low maintenance too. I just finished eating a pork chop that I cooked on them for dinner tonight.
I'm taking a flyer on this half griddle: Uniflasy 6558. For $24, it's porcelain coated cast iron so no seasoning required and care is easier. Honestly, I expect to open the box, take one look and say, "nope" and return it to Amazon but you never know. I really only want it for scallops, shrimp, and other frutti di mare.
Chris, I think you are going to find that quite small. I would suggest looking at a full griddle. I do like Uniflasy products though.

