Beer N' Q

How's your mead? In my days as a single man, my buddies and I used to drink a flagon (or two) of mead to celebrate the changing of the seasons. I think the Norse celebrated spring or summer, but we celebrated just about everything.
i'm only into my 4th batch, it's not ready yet, but my first one should be drinkable around springtime of 08... that one is a Blackberry Mead... the one i just started this past weekend is Orange Blossom honey (best honey i've ever tasted) and will be mixed with white raisins, vanilla bean and 10lbs of oranges... I'm tryin to get a stock pile of meads for now and i'm kinda slackin on my beer duties since i've got 4 already on tap right now... slippin on my wine duties also since i've got about 90 bottles in the basement aging... so between the mead, wine, beer, and BBQ i've got my hands full lately... but its worth it...
We get Yuengling down here in the Carolinas and I love it! If I'm looking to pound beer, as I will tonight while I cook, it's Bud Select for me. Don't get me wrong, I love microbrews and homebrews (as a fellow homebrewer myself), but after drinking about 6 of those, it goes straight to your gut!
Ipswich Original Ale (MA)
Berkshire Brewing (MA)
--Lost Sailor IPA
--Steel Rail Pale Ale -- refreshing summer
--Drayman's Porter
I'm with Tony. I drink the best beer in the world. MINE! If I don't have any homebrew ready to drink there are many great microbrews throughout the country. Stone brewing is awesome. The Oaked Arrogant Bastard is killer. Three Floyds another great one. I generally try to support my local breweries first but I try to get a different case of beer each month to supplement my homebrew. I generally like to have two contrasting beers. I love a good Belgian Wit or an IPA with BBQ. But I also like to have a porter or stout on hand as well. Sunday is the best day of the week. Fire up the WSM after breakfast and to quote a Christmas Story, "all is right with the world."
I'm a Shiner Blonde fan myself, but any of the Shiner beers are good to me. If i'm just drinking with the guys, I get either Coors Light or Natural Light.
I enjoy Sam Adams and Budweiser. If I'm going to spend a bit more, it's Xingu, but I don't think it pairs as well with barbecue because it's a black beer.
Homebrewer here. I mostly like IPAs, Pale Ales, And American Wheat beers. For Store bought I usually go for a Capital Island Wheat, Goose Island IPA, or some Summit Pale Ale.
I like Yuenling but I can't find it in the Chicago area. I also like Fat Tire and I can get it at a couple of bars.

Point Special is a nice lighter beer. My favorite Wisconsin beers are Spotted Cow and Fat Squirrel from the New Glarus Brewing Company. I can't get them in this area either but it's not a bad ride to Wisconsin

For those of you on the East Coast, see if you can find Virgin Islands Pale Ale. It is brewed in Maine for the guys at St. John Brewers on St. John and is fantastic. It has a hint of Mango in it.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gary Bramley:

Q'n, Gol'n & Grill'n...too manyc choices!
Gary </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Boddington's here too. And, at every tailgate.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> Boddingtons

Q'n, Gol'n & Grill'n...too manyc choices!
Gary </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Boddingtons; the "cream of Manchester". A great ale. Fullers ESB is also excellent.
Life's too short to be fussy. Too many choices to settle on just one. Sharing beer is like sharing BBQ, its just the right thing to do, so doesn't matter. Can't think of a beer I couldn't be 'friendly' with (maybe true Belgian Gueze beers

Leinenkugles family
Bud family
Miller family
Old Style
wish I could find Hamms or Schmidt
Sam Adams
De Konnick (Belgian Antwerp Ale)

I like nice rich pilsners if pressured to choose a style/type I like best.

