Beef Shoulder

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Hey there folks, long time no talk.....well, i got my replacement middle section and bottom from weber cuz of the outofround i figure id give it a run to make sure there are no leaks so my parents can have fun with i told pops i was just going to light it up and see how it holds....he said... what a shame to waste that charcoal and he went out and got a 6 pound shoulder roast......

i put some garlic and onion powder and some pepper on it...lit a starter full and spinkled some more Kingsford in the ring since there were only maybe 30 left in the bag....and i also put 2 chunks of mesquite on.. i was gonna put some cherry orapple but pops wanted to try it plain...hey his meat!

hooked up guru turned it on right away at 6pm...temp rose to 300.. took about 30 min to come down to 250...stayed there rock on until around 10 when i was planing on taking it out for some reason it spiked to 275/ said 275 thermo said more like 300....cant figure out why...but pretty much for 4 hours held a nice temp so it looks like its a good WSM now...

neways here are some pics...and of course what would my pics be without a "silly" picture with one of my kids....thats my 2.5 year wife told her ...oh i almost forgot....i made 8 ribeyes for dinner on the silver B....also pics of that....oh ya.. my wife said that my kid couldnt have any more while we were all eating she dicided to climb up and get it she didnt reach the top...take care
and good night
Very nice, Mords!

Now, me, I'd like to see some handsome crosshatch marks on those ribeyes (just give 'em a 1/4 turn after about 2 mins). Then they'd be PERFECT!

On edit---oh, and that kid is something! Very cute.
Oye, they looks like butta!!
Alright..ill try the quarter turn thing....

thanks for the kinda words...take care
ps..going back to ny might be off for a day or two..ttyl
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