Beef Short Ribs

I am looking for a recipe to cook some beef short ribs on the WSM. I have done them before in the oven, they were ok. I am just trying to get to that next level. I was thinking smoked for a few hours then braise them, all done on the WSM. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks. Happy Halloween to all
I do them the way you are thinking, smoked first (I go 2 hours at ~275) then finished as a braise (with aromatics, reduced wine, some stock), in a covered pot (at ~300) till tender. While they rest a little, separately, I make a sauce out of the defatted remaining contents of the pot.
Kevin, Thank you for the info. I have one question for you, on the braisng. approximately for how long do you braise? 2-3hrs is what I was thinking?
Yes, probably. A lot depend on original smoke temps, thickness of the meat, etc., but that's what I'd plan. Test for done about 90 min into the braise phase so you have a baseline feel to work off of.

