BBQ in Vietnam


Lynn Dollar

TVWBB Emerald Member
It started today with this tweet from a military historian about a US base camp not very far north of Saigon. I was curious if any remnant of the base camp is still there, so I looked up " Phuoc Vinh " on Google Maps.

And while looking around I see " Hem Nuong BBQ " . The American influence is still there. This BBQ joint even has a FB page. Hopefully the link will go to pics, along with pics of the food, that can't be copied. I saw some kind of " poultry " that still had the head attached. Also a lot of veggies.!1s0x3174b96a5d0a6e81:0xc6b0e411d5a06e31!3m1!7e115!4s!5zSOG6u20gTsaw4bubbmcgQkJRIC0gR29vZ2xlIFNlYXJjaA!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNalW9kgIz2J4c4cdJoHQoiFw4rF7HSEwDrddW3&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYgqaBusTtAhWBna0KHansDjIQoiowE3oECB4QAw

And there's not much of the base left, the old runway is now a road.

I went through a bunch of pics, Lynn, and there's not much that they serve that looks like traditional American "BBQ". The occasional sausage, and some ribs that looked like they may have been steamed or boiled. I did find your head on chicken, though, and while it's probably a drum, I'm going to say that's on a WSM! ;)

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 5.51.16 PM.png

....ok, maybe there isn't a head on there after all.... ;)

