Lynn Dollar
TVWBB Emerald Member
It started today with this tweet from a military historian about a US base camp not very far north of Saigon. I was curious if any remnant of the base camp is still there, so I looked up " Phuoc Vinh " on Google Maps.
And while looking around I see " Hem Nuong BBQ " . The American influence is still there. This BBQ joint even has a FB page. Hopefully the link will go to pics, along with pics of the food, that can't be copied. I saw some kind of " poultry " that still had the head attached. Also a lot of veggies.!1s0x3174b96a5d0a6e81:0xc6b0e411d5a06e31!3m1!7e115!4s!5zSOG6u20gTsaw4bubbmcgQkJRIC0gR29vZ2xlIFNlYXJjaA!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNalW9kgIz2J4c4cdJoHQoiFw4rF7HSEwDrddW3&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYgqaBusTtAhWBna0KHansDjIQoiowE3oECB4QAw
And there's not much of the base left, the old runway is now a road.
And while looking around I see " Hem Nuong BBQ " . The American influence is still there. This BBQ joint even has a FB page. Hopefully the link will go to pics, along with pics of the food, that can't be copied. I saw some kind of " poultry " that still had the head attached. Also a lot of veggies.!1s0x3174b96a5d0a6e81:0xc6b0e411d5a06e31!3m1!7e115!4s!5zSOG6u20gTsaw4bubbmcgQkJRIC0gR29vZ2xlIFNlYXJjaA!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNalW9kgIz2J4c4cdJoHQoiFw4rF7HSEwDrddW3&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYgqaBusTtAhWBna0KHansDjIQoiowE3oECB4QAw
And there's not much of the base left, the old runway is now a road.