BBQ Dragon



Anyone ever heard or used this before, seems shady, but never know....

BBQ Dragon

Here is a short video of the chimney and the Dragon side by side..

Here is Leo Laporte doing a review... Goofball. lol Love Leo.,

This works too, and it's cheap:

At first I thought it was heated. But it's just a hair dryer with a clamp. I ruined the wife's hairdryer (smoke smell) this past winter. I'll just try that.
Think that I will take a pass on the dragon. If it breathed fire it would be a different story, but until then I will just wait the extra few minute while the coals get ready with a cold beer.
I'll try the hair dryer. I used to use the electric coal lighter coil thingy. Only thing about chimney is paper ash. Interested in the weed burner.
I have it. I use it when strapped on time and need to cook quick.

My experience with it: (light up times, w/full chimney)
Lump: 4-5min vs 10min
Briquette: 8-10min vs 15-20

I got it on sale. I wouldn't pay full price for it. Like what others said, you can do the same thing with a portable fan, hair dryer or paper plate. I just can't stop myself from shopping when seeing BBQ gadgets and sales.
The reviews indicate it works well when it works, key work works. Seems many have encountered some durability issues. For me, I don't see where it is that superior to a chimney and a little time. Maybe if it was only $15 I'd have one for my arsenal of other other BBQ toys.


I have an old Coleman air matress inflator in my BBQ cabinet. If I am in a hurry to get my coals going, I just set the infltor next to the bootm of my chimney and turn it on. It really jump starts the burn. My wife's hair dryer works well for this too (but don't tell her)...


I'll try the hair dryer. I used to use the electric coal lighter coil thingy. Only thing about chimney is paper ash. Interested in the weed burner.

Get a can of Sterno. Lots of lights and no ash.

A minute or two with a propane torch works, as well.
I just sit my loaded Weber chimney on my turkey-fryer burner and leave the flame going until the chimney is completely aflame. I've never really timed it, but....I have useable briquettes as fast as I'll ever need. I use a weed-burner or propane torch on occasion also. They both work equally well.
I just sit my loaded Weber chimney on my turkey-fryer burner and leave the flame going until the chimney is completely aflame. I've never really timed it, but....I have useable briquettes as fast as I'll ever need. I use a weed-burner or propane torch on occasion also. They both work equally well.

I hear a side burner on a gasser works well also.
My wife got me one last year, and it really is "just a fan", but a metallic one. It's perfect for when you do need a fan for your BBQ, e.g. breathing some life into a flagging coal bed.

Would I buy it for that price? Nope.

