Bark !


Carlos Gregory

TVWBB Member
Well ....I'm new to this site but I have to ask the million dollar and million different answers question goes .... How do I get "supreme" bark on a Butt and a Brisket ??!! Is a water pan a good barks worst enemy ??!!
It does make a moist cooker but for long 8 hr + cooks I don't think it kills bark... but the TX crutch definitely kills bark. I do pork butts with a full water pan and have great bark.
Yeah ...I'm thinking the crutch is out although it's been crucial so far for me with Ribs on my cheap brinkmann but with my new WSM I think I'm going to try to do without it for a change.Thanks Dwain .... BTW do you have your grills listed on your posts ?!
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I agree with Dwain. Water in the pan just delays bark formation, and I get GREAT bark with water in the pan. Nothing wrong with letting the water level get pretty low and temps rise toward the end of a cook to "set the bark" if needed, though. I do NOT like dry, thick and leathery bark on anything, and the easiest way I've found to get it is to cook without water in the pan and let temps spike. Guys that use ATC's claim it's the temp spikes that gets you the leathery bark, but I don't have one, and if it's not broke...

Other than that, how you trim can really help as well. I like a fat cap on butts, but want it THIN. It should render and get almost crisp, and I don't leave it on the grate at the end of a cook. Chop it and mix in with the pork! Briskets should be trimmed too, but don't overdo it. Mainly it's that hard fat on the sides that needs to get trimmed out.

Foil IS an enemy to the bark, but sometimes you do what you have to do when you're running out of time. Also, if ahead of schedule, realize that if you hold bbq really hot for long wrapped in foil in a hot cooler or something, not only will the bark lose it's texture, but you run the risk of overcooking the meat from residual cooking. The answer there is to try to time cooks so you don't need to hold for more than a couple of hours at the most, ideally, but open the foil and let the meat lose some heat to stop the cooking while holding.
Great thread. I'm still struggling to get a good bark like I had at Franklins. I'm not sure if this is down to me using charcoal with wood chunks in, as opposed to using all wood for the fire though. It's quite hard to get hold of good burning wood here in the UK though.


I've smoked butts with both, (water and without) and had good results both ways. I have read that with rubs that contain sugar, the sugar helps to create a good bark. Have the rubs you've used contained sugar? If not, go with Mr. Brown, and tell me how your bark turns out.
If you want a good and hard Bark, It's been my experience that you do not want to foil the meat afterwards. Pull that bad boy off the smoker, rest it out in the open, and serve.

There are some things to consider:

This means if you are having a gang-load of people over, you need to make sure you time it right. It needs to come off and "rest" while they are there. This may or may not be a problem.

Stalls and temp issues can cripple your shin dig, so have a plan B. Always have a plan B.

I've done it both ways but with butts, the family likes the bark pulled with it. So a Soft, flaccid outer coating works very well. Generally the Mrs. likes to have things done and ready to go when folks arrive so we're normally wrapping and storing in the cooler for a couple of hours. I like to add a couple hours to cook times to accommodate stalls and temp issues.

Either way, I've never had a complaint. ;)
Try putting a little bit of sauce, (not much) on after the rub. Works for me. The extra sugar in the sauce caramelizes up nicely.
Hi Carlos,

There are several great recommendations here. I would recommend a scientific approach though. Change 1 thing at a time. Do what you been doing and either:
1) increase temps a bit, or
2) put some brown sugar over your rub or
3) remove fat cap entirely (there's plenty of internal fat) or
4) no water in the pan or
5) no foil or
6) delay foiling or

Try one, if it doesn't work, try something else next time. You'll figure out something that works for you very shortly I'm sure.
I bought some Slap Yo Daddy rub and it is not an overly sweet rub so I'm guessing the sugar content is'nt that much if any.But sugar does make sense since it carmelizes ....wait a sec carmelizes a real word ?! lol
BTW ...That's some great advice all ... I'll work my way through several of these messages here before during and after my cook.I tell you tho' .... I have'nt smoked many briskets and butts but when I have those stalls (right around 150 degrees but varies a little) can be a real party pooper ...guess that comes with the territory !
My first boneless butt on my WSM was a hit ! I took a few tidbits from several folks on here and it worked out great for me.I could not get it above 186 as it stalled there for three hours so I replaced the probe but still the same.Fat pocket maybe ? So I simply tested the butt by pulling a piece and it came away beautifully.

1. trimmed all the fat
2. slathered it with mustard and rubbed it down with Harry Soo's rub : slap yo daddy
3. injected it with apple juice and some of the rub blended in
4. refrigerated it overnight and re-rubbed it just prior to placing it in the WSM
5. (12 hour smoke) smoked at 250 for 10 hours with lower vents at 25% and then opened up the vents to 50% for the last two hours to get 300 degrees to set my bark. I left the top vent open 100% the entire cook
6. rested the butt for 30 minutes tented lightly with foil to save my bark
7. ate well !

Thanks all and especially thanks Tim
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My first butt on my WSM was a hit ! I took a few tidbits from several folks on here and it worked out great for me.I could not get it above 186 as it stalled there for three hours so I replaced the probe but still the same.So I simply tested the butt by pulling a piece and it came away beautifully.

1. trimmed all the fat
2. slathered it with mustard and rubbed it down with Harry Soo's rub : slap yo daddy
3. injected it with apple juice and some of the rub blended in
4. refrigerated it overnight and re-rubbed it just prior to placing it in the WSM
5. (12 hour smoke) smoked at 250 for 10 hours with lower vents at 25% and then opened up the lower vents to 50% for the last two hours to get 300 degrees to set my bark
6. rested the butt for 30 minutes tented lightly with foil to save my bark
7. ate well !

Thanks all and especially thanks Tim

