Barbecue Galore Grand Turbo stainless steel $125 in Alpharetta, GA - $4K New.


Joe Anshien

TVWBB Honor Circle
This is a $4000 grill and could make a grate flip. My friend actually has one on a cart and loves it.
Looks like it needs quite a few parts. IIRC though those burners are cast stainless steel, so pretty impervious to anything. It uses large ceramic tiles as heat elements as well. Years ago Sam's Club sold them as Member's Mark branded. They're solid 304SS as well. Back a ways time wise they weren't made in China they were made in Taiwan. I'm sure pretty much the same product though. They're made by Grand Hall.
Not sure how easily parts will be to find, but IIRC there is a decent aftermarket supply
I find that there are parts for almost anything on Amazon. If not specifically, with the measurements in hand, things that can be made to work. Like the igniters on the Wolf and Alfresco or the briquet trays that needed 1/4" removed to fit the Alfresco. On these higher end grills the work usually pays off in the end.

