Ballistic Griddle


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Ever since I saw Greg's griddle I have wanted one. I even contacted him a few years ago to see where he got his made but was too expensive to get one made myself. He partnered with Craycort and they are making the griddle. I ordered one this morning but it looks like they sold out and I'm not sure if I got my order in before they were gone. I have no vested interest in this product other than I'm a fan of Greg's site and a huge fan of Craycort Grill grates. This is just a FYI.
If I hadn't just bought a "Little griddle" I would seriously get one of these. Thanks for sharing the info John.
Ordered it yesterday morning and got it this afternoon. Won't be able to give it a work out till probably Friday due to work.

I want the cast iron grates first but, it's all going on my list!
Everyone asks me "what do you want for <insert holiday> this year?" Then I tell them and I get some crap I don't want or need, this should be pretty clear!
Now, if people will remember how to read my list I should be all set.
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