Baking on LIL SMOKEY



Texas summers are way to hot to be heating an oven. Experiment time

A little something for the beer cushion.
I took the second grate placed it inverted on the top grated. I did this because I knew that keeping 375 would be a pain. Raising the food up in the doom would give me trapped heat to cook with.
I needed 425 degrees to start with, so I lit a full chimney, get it nice and hot. Got it to 450, waited for the smoke to clear before cooking.
To maintain 375 cooking temp, I had to fully open all the vents and have the charcoal chamber cracked open. From there it was easy.

Up next is pizza. It's way too hot to crank up my oven, I like baking PIZZA at >500

Pizza for the kids

Got lil smokey to 522 degrees. Trick is to leave the chamber door open.

Time to pizza. I left out the water bowl. Again, used the second grate to raise the pizza into the doom.

Took about 20 minutes. Fantastic results, crispy crust

That lil smoker is something else. If anyone is looking to buy a small smoker, this is it.
Some mighty fine pizza Ernest, I too cook my pizzas in my 18 WSM those pups in a blanket look tasty too

