Bad brisket…bad brisket


Richard S

So I did an overnight brisket cook and it was less than stellar…
Here she is…it was in my freezer for about 7 months and zoom in on the price! My how things have changed…98021A38-491A-4A0C-B093-674093624029.jpegI put her on around 11pm Saturday night. Just did a SPG rub and used B&B logs and lump and some peach and hickory. 2E3D540B-681C-47F8-8E6C-1FA1B6C3592E.jpegDC280B2F-8A0A-4CD5-86F4-7DA299B25544.jpegHad no issues getting clean smoke or up to temp. Went to bed and this was how she looked around 3:30am. I didn’t probe at this point…maybe I should have?5C2597FA-652A-4917-89D8-3ECCC522DBA7.jpegWhen I got up around 6:45 I was surprised to see the bark so well formed and it was probing anywhere from 170-180 which was a surprise. Usually it would be in the stall at that point. So I was immediately concerned.EB82CA10-E24A-4928-BC6D-FCCC771E4A13.jpegI wrapped and continued to probe. Temps were staying around 180-185 for a few hours. I have never seen a stall at that high of temp. It probed just OK. Not super smooth or buttery. I finally decided to pull it after it had been on for 12 plus hours and wrap in butcher paper for a very long rest (5 hours).

It was definitely over cooked and tough in a few spots. I got some good slices but mostly pulled it and sauced it. There was also no smoke ring and I used a lot of wood…

The guest enjoyed it and it did taste good. But it was not tender. The only thing that saved me was cutting it right before it was served. If it had sat for any length of time it would be pretty damn dry.

So it never probed above 188 but it was dry and over cooked. I’m thinking it just wasn’t a very good cut of meat because there is no way I could screw up that bad!🤣🤣🤣

At least I didn’t pay $125 or more for it like I would have to do today…for $50 I fed 15 people. Oh…and I did some chicken as well because those B&B logs can cook for days..
Interesting problem. Could you have missed the first stall? Was it wrapped tight in 2 layers of foil? Just spit balling here.
"It was definitely over cooked and tough in a few spots."
These two descriptions normally indicate two different conditions. Question is... Did the brisket slice cleanly or did some crumble, ie fall apart (mainly at the edges) ?
Wonder if thermometer was off a bit too. Tough and overcooked ...
Actually if it never probed right, it was probably the meat to blame.
They will be done when they are done. The tough part I would find more distressing than any time oddity.
Still frustrating!
I am by no means a brisket expert as I've only cooked 2 in my entire life. ( we just don't care for it). But it almost sounds like it was undercooked? I always thought tough was under cooked because the meat didn't hit a high enough temperature to break down everything to make it tender? Which is also why it's dry because all of that collagen hasn't had the chance to break down yet?
Normally I watch temperatures like a hawk and wrap between 160 and 170 and put some beer or liquid in a double wrapped paper or foil, and start checking for "probe-tender" around 200F.

