A second (or third) butt test is far from a bad idea, getting to know what’s happening is the most important thing you can do be relaxed when something is cooking, greater knowledge becomes greater enjoyment. When you do the brisket, you will fuss and start to wonder if it’s OK, the one thing I have learned is don’t get all “tuned up” and start to fiddle around, leave it alone, try to sleep, it will be fine. I’ve had them take what felt like an eternity and then I set one up for overnight expecting to take it off about noon and when I woke up at 6:00 it was reading 205! After trying to find clean pants I flew down the steps and poked the thing, it quaked like jello! Pulled, wrapped, coolered and waited. It was possibly the best one yet!
My point is really don’t sweat it, relax, choose something good to read, listen to, pleasant project to do and let it roll. Feeding friends and family should be relaxing, satisfying and enjoyable! You will do fine!