Baby Blues


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
I worked with a guy that would order his burger cooked to near crunchy, if it wasn't he would send it back for further cooking.

I can understand that "crunchy" feeling.

My very-close pub has (well, had is a better description) pretty good burgers and fish 'n chips. A little while ago, our nanny gov't determined that beef (burgers) had to be cooked to well done.

Well, I goes to the pub and get burger and fries with a cold one. I couldn't believe it when it came to the table it was crunchy. TOTALLY dried out and burnt on the perimeter.

Ok,, send it back and ask the waitress if they can make it medium (a compromise). No she says but she'll ask (a wink here and there and a big smile never hurts you know ;) ).

A second attempt and the burger and new fries are brought out. The burger is literally dripping with blood: it's raw.

Finished my beer, paid for the beer (only) and left.

I never ordered burgers there again.

So, crunchy is not so unusual. Sad but not unusual.
Kind of sounds like my last pizza I made "crunchy" would be a polite way to say burned beyond recognition. There are a few places here in town that well done is the one and only way you can get a burger and no we don't order burgers there.

