Auber for WSM 18.5


Les M

New member
Think of getting an Auber with 6.5 cfm fan for my new 18.5. Is that a big enough fan? Would love hear back from anyone with experience with this combo.
I have an 18.5 and got the 20 cfm fan. I ended up exchanging it for the 10, IIRC. Works OK.
Funny..... it was one of those things I just had to have. I can't remember the last time I used it.
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I use the Auber for longer cooks such as brisket or butts, but not the shorter ones like chicken, turkey or even ribs. On the longer cooks it's just for peace of mind not having to hang around all of the time.
Scotty, if you are referring to my post, I still use it on cooks 4 hrs or more. I like the ability to set it and leave it and not having to worry about hanging around to check the temp. On a short cook such as chicken or something in the 2 hr range, it's just as easy to adjust manually since the WSM is a consistent and stable smoker and since it is only a couple of hours, I usually am always close by. It's just personal preference. The Auber does great and its performance has nothing to do with not using it on short cooks.
Scotty, if you are referring to my post, I still use it on cooks 4 hrs or more. I like the ability to set it and leave it and not having to worry about hanging around to check the temp. On a short cook such as chicken or something in the 2 hr range, it's just as easy to adjust manually since the WSM is a consistent and stable smoker and since it is only a couple of hours, I usually am always close by. It's just personal preference. The Auber does great and its performance has nothing to do with not using it on short cooks.

Thanks for the response!

