ATC And Top Vent?



TVWBB Member
I am working on my first overnight smoke, and my Ique seems to be working great. I went out to check recently, and the wind has really picked up. The WSM is now sitting a little lower than I want, and the Ique fan is having to run constantly to keep it steady. I have the top vent completely open now, due to what I have heard from you guys on the board. Does anyone close the top vent, at least some, after foiling? I would have liked to not foil at all, but I'm looking for an earlier lunch of around 11am.

I would think since the shoulder is all done taking in smoke, especially in foil, that it would be ok to close the top vent some to allow the WSM to maintain a higher temp?
In my experience closing the top vent lowers the temp. However, I don't use an ATC.

So...I recommend you try it and see what happens. Make an adjustment and check back in 20 minutes to see what the effect was. If not the desired effect take the adjustment back out. But why not just crank up the ATC?

You may want to construct a hasty wind block of some sort to protect the cooker. Wind is the biggest enemy the WSM.
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Yeah, I've always liked to adjust it, then let it sit to see how well it works. I definitely want a wind block, I just didn't think I'd need it quite yet, it seems so early in the year!

I have the temp set at around 240. It notices when it is below temp, but it can't seem to get it back up once it gets below. It worked really well overnight, just about until I checked at around 6am did I notice it a little below where I'd like it. I opened the other bottom vents for a little bit to get it back to where I want it, but I'd like to keep them closed due to the wind spikes.
For a low temp cook, meaning 225 to 250, I always leave the top vent open 1/2 way. For higher temps 250+, I set it full open. That said, if wind is affecting the cook, get a wind screen.
Prob depends on how well the machine is sealed off as well. I run my guru with the top vent cracked open and the bottom blower vent 40%.
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I actually found out that I was much lower on charcoal than I thought. I could see underneath the ashes. I put in another 1/2 chimney, and it started rocking out 250 for another 2 hours.
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Have you used the Stoker for any high heat cooks (ie. 325-350)? If so, would you still leave the vent open about a third? Thanks!


For competition chicken I start at 250 and ramp the temp up to 325 and I don't change a thing. Still 1/3 open, no issues. I tend to use my Performer for higher temp stuff, but I don't see why anything would change for higher heats on the WSM. I like to keep as many factors as I can constant so the Stoker isn't dealing with a different situation every time I cook. There aren't vents and things to adjust on your kitchen oven for different cooking temperatures, so why would it be any different with a smoker (essentially an oven with smoke)? Keep things the same and let the ATC do what its designed to do.

Good luck,

