Ash Bowl Removal


Richard Garcia

TVWBB Wizard
I bought my Weber Performer Deluxe New in January, 2020 and now having a tough-time in removing the bowl that holds the charcoal ashes from the SS Ring. I am now having to do a very hard squeeze on the Handle 3 or 4 times including a hard shake or two in order to release the bowl from that bowl Ring. Your comments will be truly appreciated on this subject.
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My older 1 I have to lift a little to get it unhinged, haven't seen the newer style but always thought a slide in design would have been more user friendly
I have a 2014,and a 2019 the 14 is much easier to remove and install, the 19 is a little harder to remove but installs easily. That is just my grill yours maybe different.
I bought my Weber Performer Deluxe New in January, 2020 and now having a tough-time in removing the bowl that holds the charcoal ashes from the SS Ring. I am now having to do a very hard squeeze on the Handle 3 or 4 times including a hard shake or two in order to release the bowl from that bowl Ring. Your comments will be truly appreciated on this subject.
Does Weber make the old style anymore?
Maybe if you contacted them and told them about your issues they would ship you out one?
I have a 2014,and a 2019 the 14 is much easier to remove and install, the 19 is a little harder to remove but installs easily. That is just my grill yours maybe different.
Kevin and other Fellow "Bullet Members: Thanx for all the good advice; I have almost NO problem attaching the bowl to the SS Ring but Removing it is one Pain-In-The-A**! I will give some of your recommendations a-go on my next cook and will let you guys know how it went.
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Does Weber make the old style anymore?
Maybe if you contacted them and told them about your issues they would ship you out one?
Tim: My Weber Performer Deluxe is Registered with, so, what other information do I need to collect before contacting their Customer Service.
It they have the old style in stock let me know!
Then I will need to build another multi grill “workstation” spots for the 22” the Smokey Joe and the charcoal go anywhere. Maybe the hibachi too.
Wow, that might clear some space in the garage! Nah, I’d just fill it with charcoal!😁
Richard, you may want to take a small round file or some emery cloth and stroke all the contact points, add a dab of grease or wd/40. May help remove any burr's and slick's it up a touch.
Does Weber make the old style anymore?
Maybe if you contacted them and told them about your issues they would ship you out one?
Just had a very positive phone conversation with Weber Customer Service in which they are sending me the New Style Ash Catcher Ring, Ash Catcher and the handle for my Weber Performer Deluxe(WPD) at no cost. They stated that the Old Style is no longer in their inventory. Really quick and direct probably due to my WPD being Registered on soon after this excellent purchase in January, 2020. These particular parts are covered by the Weber Guarantee for two(2) years after purchase.

I cooked-up some tasty Chicken Wings using my new Napolean Rotisserie Basket yesterday and they really came out tasty. Only problem was that I needed a pair of pliers to remove the ash catcher bowl from the Ash Catcher Ring.
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My Weber replacement parts arrived yesterday and I installed the new ash bowl with new handle on the same old Ash Bowl Ring which now is easy to remove. The problem was the handle on the old ash bowl as it did not squeeze just-right. The Weber Folks sent me the whole Ash Bowl Kit which also included the Ring to hang the Ash Bowl. I contacted Weber Customer Service regarding my problem on April 01,2021 and the Ash Bowl Kit arrived here in Costa Rica on April 11, 2021.

Can't say enough good things regarding the excellent Weber customer service I received regarding this matter:)

Oh, although the Weber Folks sent me these replacement parts at no cost I had to fork over $35.00 Costa Rica Custom Duties and shipping costs from Miami charged by my private mail service..
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Just had a very positive phone conversation with Weber Customer Service in which they are sending me the New Style Ash Catcher Ring, Ash Catcher and the handle for my Weber Performer Deluxe(WPD) at no cost. They stated that the Old Style is no longer in their inventory. Really quick and direct probably due to my WPD being Registered on soon after this excellent purchase in January, 2020. These particular parts are covered by the Weber Guarantee for two(2) years after purchase.

I cooked-up some tasty Chicken Wings using my new Napolean Rotisserie Basket yesterday and they really came out tasty. Only problem was that I needed a pair of pliers to remove the ash catcher bowl from the Ash Catcher Ring.
I had the same issue and Weber too care of me too! Weber rocks!

