Artisan Bread

Looks good, Bob! What recipe are you using, or is it your own formulation? Looks like it could be a "no knead"?

My least favorite part of making bread is being tortured by the smell of it while I'm waiting for it to cool before slicing! :)

I made three loaves yesterday! :)

Looks good, Bob! What recipe are you using, or is it your own formulation? Looks like it could be a "no knead"?

My least favorite part of making bread is being tortured by the smell of it while I'm waiting for it to cool before slicing! :)

I made three loaves yesterday! :)

I adapted it from a basic no knead recipe. Autolyze for 1/2 hour after mixing the flour & water with the dough hook, mix in the salt, stretch & fold, mix in the starter, stretch & fold 3 more times at 30-minute intervals. Let it ferment for ~8 to 12 hours. 3 1/2 cups AP flour, ~1 1/4 cups warm filtered water, 1 TBSP Kosher salt and 2 cups active starter. I shoot for ~70% hydration.

