Apple smoked chicken


Rob (Allentown)

TVWBB Member
First off, no pictures. I am better at cooking than uploading pictures. Went out and bought six firebricks. Used two to set up an indirect cooking system. Injected a roaster with chicken stock, apple juice and some rub mixed to together. Injected the chicken with the mixture then a good dose of rub on the outside. filled the indirect side with unlit KBB and topped it with 12 lit briqs. Put a good sized foil pouch of soaked apple wood chips on top. Chicken was on a beer can stand without a beer can. Sat on the grill kettle for about 3hrs. This chick was so tender and juicy. And the apple wood gave a sweet smoke taste. Scrumptious!!!!!!! The 22.5 OTS is an outstanding cooking tool.
Sounds good!
But why no pictures?
Take them and have someone else help you upload them...:)
Rob, We get restless when we can't see photos. (They say it never really happened without photos to prove it.) LOL However, by use of the term "Scrumptious!!!!!!!" it sounds like you nailed the cook. I'd like to see that firebrick set up you have there.
Next cook I will have pictures. I gotta figure it out. Was surprised by the sweetness of the apple wood.

Yeah, I really like apple wood too. I will admit to not having used a ton of different woods, but of all I've tried, apple would be my favorite. Especially w/chicken!

As far a pic go Rob, I know how to upload and share them (for the most part) but I always have trouble taking them. During prep I'm always either doing too much (i.e. applying rubs, trimming fat, firing the charcoal, etc.), during the cook I don't want to leave the lid off too long, and after I'm done cooking I'm too excited to remember the camera!

All that to say, I'm not mad at you for not having pics. And congrats on a good cook!

