Apple Juice This ... Apple Juice That


I use cider all the time in place of AJ in brines for poultry (I'm doing my turkey for TG this year with the Apple Maple Brine using cider), in mops for butts or ribs, and as a spray for chicken pieces. It works great IMO. I have never tried the hard cider but I am going to now. In fact I might just have to crack one while the trukey cooks this TG...


I'll use FAJC for spritzing ribs, occasionally butts cause it's cheap and lasts awhile in the fridge. I like cider for a braise in the DO on kraut&ribs or kraut&sausage.
Cider makes a good pan sauce also..
If you like beer bath brats try it with cider, dice an apple and a onion and let that caramelize in a pan, than add some cider and let that reduce a bit. Add the grilled sausage and let them relax for awhile till you slap em on a bun.

That sounds really good!

