APL's breaking all the rules

I got the same thing, but then typed "adam perry lang grilling rules" into google, and clicked the link, about the 5th one down and it worked.
Clicking the URL adds the URL twice to your browser. After deleting the duplicate it worked. Not sure I would have the guts to do that to a rib roast. Not sure what it gets you either....

But it did look good.
Got it. I clicked on recipes/how to in the black border on top than clicked on blog in the same border and scrolled down.
That does look good!

sorry guys. It looks like Russell's link is working. I tried to fix mine, but got the same outcome.

It's too bad they didn't show more of the beat down. It's crazy how thin he got a 3 bone roast.

I've been kind of skepticle of his herb brush, but I'm coming around to it after reading an article about how herb flavor compounds are mostly on the outside of the leaves. Herbs release only herb flavor when rubbed or bruised. Chopping mixes in the vegetal flavors of the leaf itself.
So did Martha back in the 80's. I wasn't sure if that was a "Good thing " or not. I tried it once and I felt it was more for show, maybe should re-think this and try as noted.

I like the idea of open grilling with the raised grate and using firebricks to put heat where you want it. Don't think I'm gonna try grilling a rib roast like that, though.
I've used the board dressing with tenderloin and thought it was a nice addition.

OTOH I've used the herb brush and I'm certainly not sold on it. APL kind of lost me when his second book - BBQ25 - seemed cartoonish.
Yeah,looked amazing! But I'm not sure Pammi Sue would go for that,and I'm not sure I'd have the guts to do that to a beautiful rib roast!
I have Serious BBQ and BBQ 25 from APL and have followed some of the recipes and they have all been winners, looks like Scarred & Scruffed could be on my shelf as well!
I liked the concept actually. And often thought of the technique of raising the level with bricks. Other grills give you that ability wihtout the bricks. One of the reasons I like the idea/design of a Santa Maria style grill.

Hmmm the herb brush - maybe I would "beat" or "bruise" that too to help release some of the oils before I used it.

I would definitely do that to a rib roast without qualm

This is on the list. Next time choice 4 bone roasts go on sale at the local Colonial Market.

