anyone made a recipe book


Sean C

TVWBB Member
has anyone ever made a wsm recipe book! with cooking times and temps on this forum?
or is there a book for the wsm?
Just get yourself a three ring binder (or a couple) and start saving your cooking logs. In not time at all, YOU will have the best recipe book one can imagine with YOU cooking and YOUR equipment.

Just a thought...

cheers chris, never looked at the cooking topics b4! looks good should off looked last week when I did beer can chook! came out good but the skin was like a rubber glove!
Not a "book",but I have a expandable file folder that I put recipes I like in. It has different slots for different types;entrees,sides,rubs. Works for me.
Instead of a recipe book I made folders and sub folders on the hard drive. The main folder is Weber. The 13 subs cover everything from beef to equipment to wood and charcoal. The subs contain text files and links. The text files are copy/paste info from discussions that may be anything from a recipe to temperature info. Each entry has the name of the person who wrote it. Some of the text files also include a link to the original source. I renamed the links that were copy/pasted directly to a folder. Otherwise, many of them would not make much sense later on. Before getting the Performer my background was mostly grilling hamburgers and rib eyes with a large pile of charcoal. I had difficulty getting and remembering the temperatures needed in this new world of cooking. Therefore, the Temperature folder has 20 text files and links including but not limited to a Doneness Temps.txt file, How to maintain 250-275 with a kettle link, Rotisserie Temp Vents.txt to Snake Method Ribs link. You may find something similar to be useful toward filling in the blanks for the information you need with the WSM.

This method works for me and doesn't waste paper on info I may rarely or never use. Much of the how to info has become second nature. I should probably delete those files but 90+% of the info contained in the Weber files is from the knowledgeable and generous people of tvwbb and I enjoy remembering those who perhaps unknowingly helped me along the way.

