My smoking experience started with holiday turkeys on $55 ECB's. I got up god-aweful-early, and sat in the driveway all day and was'nt happy unless smoke was billowing out the vents, all day long. Fighting fire and whatnot. Never used a temp probe.
At my brothers advice I bought an 18.5, before the biggun came along. I cringed a little at the cost, but quickly forgot about that after the first cook. I learned alot from the ECB days. At first I focused on ribs, cooking an occasional pork butt. I cooked the 18 for about 5 years, many, many times wishing it were bigger. I never tried real hard to push maximum cooking space on the 18, when the crowd warranted, I smoked and grilled.
At the time I purchased my 22.5, money wasn't an issue. It sat for a while in the box, one because I had just returned from Iraq and had many things to catch up on, the other because it was huge. OMG it was huge. Despite it's imposing size, I added a third rack mod (thanks to this site) when I put it together. Thinking myself a little thrifty...justified in my mind because the CIGs for my kettle left me with an unused 22.5 grate. First thoughts after assembly? Wow! this thing is huge!
When I started cooking on it, my concerns over the size went away. I absolutely, without a doubt love love love having the space. I typically use Royal Oak briquettes, unless I get an excellent deal on Kingsford. Normally aspirated, dry foiled pan. I'd like to do the clay pot but haven't been home long enough and at the right time to accomplish that. I always cook with a foiled pizza stone on my 18. I am sold on the deal, won't go back to water. Ever.
I've cooked a few things on the top rack, and loaded'er down with food, on both. I really don't think lb for meat cooked to lb charcoal used its any more or less efficient than the 18. Thats just my opinion. I've conducted no scientific experiments to support my claim.
I'd like to know more about the people who argue the 22.5 uses more fuel...Is that why you BBQ? to save fuel? do you live in a green house? What kind of automobile is parked in your driveway? To me, if you don't live completely that way, then those arguments are all BS. Its worth pointing out that the two opposing arguments in this thread don't have a 22.5 WSM. Just my .02c.
For me, the 22.5 is a little harder to adjust, but I attribute that to several things, setup diffences, size, and my instincts. I am simply more attuned to adjusting things for the 18. The 22 is slower to respond to adjustments, keep in mind it's like steering a pontoon as opposed to a bass boat. Just recently, I fired up my 22.5, my 18 and my kettle for a big BBQ. Loved EVERY minute of it. Welcomed unexpected company, as opposed to worrying about it.