I'm 3 hrs into a 2 butt (12 lbs) smoke. I'm using the Southern Succor Rub and Southern Sop. I doubled the rub recipe and made the mistake of adding 4 tbls of dry mustard instead of 4 tsps. This is my first time using this rub and sop so I don't know what to expect either way. I hope the mustard overdose does not overpower.
Everything else is going well so far. My 22.5" is holding at 245-250F lid with 0/25/25 bottom vents; ET-732 temps are 138F int & 295 top grate. I just added 2L of water after starting with 4L. I used the minion method to start with a full chimney in the middle.
Almost perfect.
Everything else is going well so far. My 22.5" is holding at 245-250F lid with 0/25/25 bottom vents; ET-732 temps are 138F int & 295 top grate. I just added 2L of water after starting with 4L. I used the minion method to start with a full chimney in the middle.
Almost perfect.