Any guesses?

for anyone interested in the recipe:

the ahi was marinated for 15 minutes in seasoned rice vinegar, a splash of Avo oil and the top of the ahi was sprinkled with fresh ground black pepper, gran garlic and a small dash of salt.

once placed on the grill over a VERY hot bed of coals, i spooned some of the marinate atop the fish (i started cooking the ahi with the seasoned side down onto the fire), then added black pepper and gran garlic.

i let each side of the ahi sit for less than 2 minutes per side, just enough to see the ahi turn white on the outside of the part facing the coals.

then i flipped to the raw side and let the fish sit atop the hot coals for the second 2 minutes.

the ahi steaks where then pulled, plated and tented with foil to rest for 10 minutes before slicing with a very sharp knife. slicing is s careful single slice motion into the protein so as to not rip it with a second backwards slice/pull, basically and long single stroke of the slicing knife to slice into and through the ahi in a single motion.

the plate was served with sushi rice that was seasoned in seasoned rice vinegar and sesame oil. and then served with grilled asparagus.

you can add any sauce you'd like with this from savory to sweet, like a soy with wasabi, or a yuzu vinaigrette, or a kewpie with sriracha and vinegar and pinch of sugar.

if you love a really good ribeye, this meal eats like a grilled ribeye but is much lighter to digest and enjoy.

thanks for looking. hoping to inspire you to cook some foods you might not already be eating or offer up something different with high flavor that's healthier and lighter.
Looks great!
Lid open for the entire cook?
yes, lid open for the ahi and salmon. the salmon has a different marinade on it though.

the lid open drives more air into the JD coals really ripping up the heat of the fire. the ahi hit my perfect sear that i like; slightly crisped bits along the ahi's edges with that cooked layer around the rare inside.

these were Costco's finest ahi steaks, around 1.5' think, center loin cuts. around $40 for both steaks. fed 7 people, with the salmon as well. only had 5 slices of ahi leftover last night and they're now gone today.

i think this is right up your alley. enjoy!
I'm guessing it's all gone by now
yes. daughter ate the last piece for lunch. we will do this again and soon as it was really good. and now i know you'll explore this level of doneness on ahi. i think you'd like it. clean, healthy eating.
Last edited:
yes. daughter ate the last piece for lunch. we will do this again and soon as it was really good. and now i know you'll explore this level of doneness on ahi. i think you'd like it. clean, healthy eating.
yours looked very much like I had at Kauai, if not better. I’d have most certainly helped made that go bye bye 👍🏻
for anyone interested in the recipe:

the ahi was marinated for 15 minutes in seasoned rice vinegar, a splash of Avo oil and the top of the ahi was sprinkled with fresh ground black pepper, gran garlic and a small dash of salt.

once placed on the grill over a VERY hot bed of coals, i spooned some of the marinate atop the fish (i started cooking the ahi with the seasoned side down onto the fire), then added black pepper and gran garlic.

i let each side of the ahi sit for less than 2 minutes per side, just enough to see the ahi turn white on the outside of the part facing the coals.

then i flipped to the raw side and let the fish sit atop the hot coals for the second 2 minutes.

the ahi steaks where then pulled, plated and tented with foil to rest for 10 minutes before slicing with a very sharp knife. slicing is s careful single slice motion into the protein so as to not rip it with a second backwards slice/pull, basically and long single stroke of the slicing knife to slice into and through the ahi in a single motion.

the plate was served with sushi rice that was seasoned in seasoned rice vinegar and sesame oil. and then served with grilled asparagus.

you can add any sauce you'd like with this from savory to sweet, like a soy with wasabi, or a yuzu vinaigrette, or a kewpie with sriracha and vinegar and pinch of sugar.

if you love a really good ribeye, this meal eats like a grilled ribeye but is much lighter to digest and enjoy.

thanks for looking. hoping to inspire you to cook some foods you might not already be eating or offer up something different with high flavor that's healthier and lighter.
Thank you.
yours looked very much like I had at Kauai, if not better. I’d have most certainly helped made that go bye bye 👍🏻
for the flight saved to HI, you can eat this every week here in CA and get a buzz on too, all for less. WINNING!

I'm going to get more of this this week if Costco still has some. With Lent now happening (thanks for someone who reminded me that it's Lent), I know to avoid fish Wed-Fri and people need it more than me so I'll stand down and eat it Sat-Tue.

I need to pick up a yuzu sauce from Ranch99. I forgot to get it Friday.

