Another word of caution



New member
So I finally got my bran-spankin-new 18.5" WSM going yesterday (Thank you for the B-day present wifey).

Food fodder was 6 racks of ribs. I know many say to run it empty first but why waste fuel right?

Anyways the ribs turned out great. I finished them yesterday at around 5pm and closed all the vents.

Well, when I got up this morning to clean out the smoker I got to the bowl on the bottom and felt warm air. Sure enough the 15 or so coals still on the charcoal grate were lit!

I am currently letting them burn out as I write this but to think I might have dumped them into the trash can.
I picked up a 4 gallon metal trash can with a handle at Ace Hardware. The lid fits real tight. I put all my coal residue in the can and keep it there, at least 1 day, until I'm ready to put the cold residue in an empty charcoal bag for the trash.
Your smoker is not tight enough. Look around the door and see of you have a good fit. I know the old saying that charcoal can relight at any time, but realistically, it should go out - especially by the next morning.

I also think a metal can with a good lid is essential and I'm with the wait a week or more before taking it out of the metal can and taking it out with the trash.
Since it was a first run there were some small gaps where smoke was coming out. I figure this being the first smoke those gaps will "fill in" with a little grease build up. I may go for a small metal trash can.
I have a fire pit made from a semi truck rim in the ground. I just dump every thing hot in it and back in da garage go my webers! All 4 of em! I just gotta shovel it out once a year! The garbage truck driver hates me for that but oh well!

