Another Menu Question



TVWBB Super Fan
Cooking for 15 adults and 15 kids. I’ve got a 22’’. My thought was two briskets, 4-5 chickens and 4 racks of ribs. Is that enough? Should I try to fit in a butt?

My thought was to put the briskets on at 6 the night before. I’m using a firedial, so the bullet will run a bit hot. I pull the briskets at 6 am, foil and finish in the oven. Put the ribs and chicken on by 7. Eat at 2.

How old are the kids? And are the adults big eaters? You’ve quoted a boatload of food. IMO, might be way too much. And what about sides like slaw, beans, corn, whatever?!?!

And do you want to be a slave or enjoy your company?
Brett asked good questions. Also: if the kids are young but able and permitted to serve themselves you may encounter waste.

Good luck and have fun!
I would much rather have left overs, sounds like a good plan and a WSM is not like a stick burner in regards to constantly feed it, when reloaded when the beef comes off the smoker will run till the ribs and birds are done, the firedial will do most of the work.
Sounds like a ton of food for 15 adults and as many kids to me but, they are your guests.
How big are the briskets? If the WSM is running hot, that might be a bit too early for the start.
My home ec teacher always said work backwards from sit down time. So, I always have and it works well for me.
With a three or four hour rest on the briskets, you will be way ahead if you pull them at 06:00. Depending on size I’d probably start nearer 22:00-23:00 the night before. Even if they run hot, pull at 11:00 they will be perfect resting until 14:00.
For long cooked meats like pulled pork/beef ribs I calculate 300gramm per person. 500-700gramms of spare ribs per person.

If you aim for leftovers, I think you got them. For 15 people I would expect them to eat 4.5kg/10pounds of smoked beef or pork. For grilled meat like steaks I calculate 200gramms of meat per person, or 3kg/6pounds. Kids below like 7 barely eat meat in my experience. When I had a crowd of 16, I served 3 pounds of beef ribs (no bones), two pounds of seared pork, two pounds of smoked salmon, and four sausages. Three sausages were eaten by the six kids. They loved the baked potatoes though. The rest was sides. It was enough. Maybe some people would have taken some meat together with their third or fourth helping, but nobody left wanting for meat.
Jonas, that sounds like a great spread, I like the way you think!
Stone, you will have a weeks worth of leftovers if you don’t expect doggy bags to be taken.
I generally have some leftovers too, I’ve invested in a lot of to go containers over the years! Some “regulars” have been charged with returning them of else they don’t get any take away the next time. Sometimes they remember, sometimes they don’t.
To quote “Eyegor” from “Young Frankenstein”
“I’m easy.”

