Another Dutchie says Hi



New member
Hi Everyone, my name is Hugo and I'm a addict.... to BBQ that is! And I got the feeling this is a pretty good place to hang out with a habbit like that! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not here to stop Q'ing, just to see what others are doing and perhpaps show you what I'm up to. As mentioned I'm a Dutchie or in other words, from the Netherlands. I've been Q'ing seriously since 2010 after I joined the Dutch BBQ Forum. Since then things have gone out of control. I became a forum moderator for the Dutch forum, was asked to join the Lowland Smokers (a Dutch Competition BBQ Team) and started my own BBQ webshop (True2BBQ). My fellow teammates and I share a common goal in BBQ: To have fun! We compete because we like to, not because we have to win. Although we've done pretty OK so far. We even went to The Jack a few weeks ago, an awesome experience! But that's enough for now. I look forward to browsing and perhaps contributing to this forum!

