Another CL Score


JP Fields

New member
I kept hearing about all of the great deals you guys have scored on CL. So I kept looking around and finally found my deal. Today I picked up an 18.5" WSM. It is last years model, still in the box and got it for $175. Now I have Poppa Bear, Momma Bear and Baby Bear.

Ohhh how I love the WSM.
Nice, I have been searching around for an 18.5 on CL but have had no luck as of yet. Congratulations on your good deal though :)
I watched CL (you can subscribe to the RSS results of your search and check that in your RSS reader (and Firefox has one built-in) so you can check easily and regularly) and for 5 closest CL cities, I saw one WSM for sale but I was heading out of town that weekend ...and he was selling it because he had to move across the country that weekend. That's over a 6-ish week period.
Wayne, I dont have a smart phone so the RSS feeds dont work for me. I did check CL again this morning and found nothing of the sort. Ill keep looking, I am hopeful to be able to find an 18 for a very cheap price.
Guys, just keep looking. I had seen a few 18's but usually not for much of a discount. When I saw this one "New In Box" they were asking $200. Being that it had never been used, I felt that was a good price but offered $175 just to see. They immediately excepted. Probably could have bought it for $150 but still felt I got a great price. Got it put together this morning. Now I can't wait to try it out.

