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Right before I put my almonds on the smoker (after they had dried), they tasted MUCH saltier than when they came out. I was afraid, actually, that they would be way too salty.

The too charcoaly taste is a mystery to me. Strange.

I got to looking back and I forgot to oil mine before putting them on the smoker. They just went from drying to the heat. Don't know if that made a difference or not.

And, I vacpacked mine as soon as they cooled and the mellowing took place. They're all gone, now.
I did another large batch today. This one had no honey but some in one area of top rack got dark (underside was fine again) like in the pic posted above. So, it wasn't the honey it's really simple: darkness is too much smoke. It's in one area because of the way air was moving through WSM.

This time I used 20 handfulls of chips over 5 hours (3 handfulls in a foil pouch + a few loose to start it off) and they were getting very strong so I pulled them earlier than previous batches.

So I'll suggest the same temp for 4 - 6 hours and 1 - 2 handfulls of chips per hour or keep 1 - 2 chunks smoking at any time in the WSM as a starting point. Keep notes and you can use more next time if you want them stronger.

Anyone done it with chunks that can offer advice for a starting point using chunks?
My almond experiment was not very successful. I kept them on for 5 hours, but probably should have taken them off after 4. Most of them are very dark. They are edible and taste pretty good, but have a burnt flavor to them.

Just like Darrin, mine were not salty enough when they were finished. I even put table salt on them when I oiled them.

I'll probably try it again later this week and hope for slightly better results. I don't think there is any problem with Shawn's recipe, I think I just blew it by leaving them on too long.
I used 3 big chunks of soaked hickory buried in a minion method fire. Then after about 3.5 to 4 hours i added 3? small pieces of maple (the maple pieces I used are approx. 2-3" long x 2" wide x 1" thick). Last night I opened up the container and tried a few. I didn't have the "charcoaley" flavor anymore, it was as if the flavor seem to come together nicely. If anything, I may have overcooked them, but nobody seemed to feel the same way. I'm doing some more this weekend, they will be all maple smoked, with maybe a little bit of apple later in the smoke. Temp control is really critical, so I'll use less lit coals this time. I'm gonna taste them again today, and if I don't feel they're salty enough, I'm not gonna rinse them after the brine.

When I've done almonds in the past, I've never smoked for more than 1 1/4 hours at 225*. Its always after a cook so I stir up the coals, throw on 2 small pieces of hickory, place the almonds on an alumninum tray and let them go. Never had a charcoly taste, never burnt or burnt taste and never oversmoked. My inlaws said the tasted better than Blue Diamond. I think maybe some of you folks are over smoking them. Just my opinion.
yep, I agree too, I din't keep close track of how much smoke wood used on the first cook and overestimated ... I just kept smoke going for the duration. You have my apologies for this. I've corrected the recipe and the 'couple of pounds' entries.

Keep on smokin!
Hmmmm, more tasting is required. I don't think I over-smoked them (it appears that I have about the same wood amount as Shawn's adjusted recipe - dumb luck?), but they're probably over-cooked. The ones I do this weekend I'm gonna keep the same smoke level, but cook them for less time.....

My second batch was a huge hit with everyone at Christmas. I think the extra salt, shorter cook time, and reducing the amount of hickory made them much better.

Thanks for all the advice and tips in this thread. I looked like a genius at all my Christmas parties because of all your posts.
I just picked up 3 16" pizza screens this morning so I can try smoked almonds and pecans.

Since then the bride has selected the new kitchen floor (a Lowes Armstrong "Pergo type" faux stone tile surface) and we have demolished 2 layers of vinyl and chipboard underlayment over another vinyl surface with a bazillion staples. Off to the in-laws tomorrow for Christmas on Wednesday, delayed two days for snow/ice. (Snow/Ice down east has pretty severely limited travel. I know y'all up north think we are crazy for not traveling in the white stuff, but the white stuff down here comes with ice on top and ice underneath. A lot of folks from up north become less smug about winter driving after experiencing what we get for winter weather.) Carrying a whole smoked butt and a whole smoked Christmas brisket, both of which I foodsavered and froze and will try the reheat in boiling water routine with.

Oh, yeah, I have 30 lbs of butts in the fridge that needs smoking ASAP. And that damn floor to install, but, the smoked nuts are HIGH ON MY LIST.

Have to reread this entire thread before starting. (Too much tired working man's reward this evening.) Probably will brine and then smoke per recommendations.
Smoked a second batch last weekend. used the same brining instruction and didn't rinse. Used all maple this time and smoked for about 3 hours at about 190*. Man, these came out awesome! Did some of the almonds in the batch coated with some african bird's eye pepper, they were pretty hot. Unfortunately, didn't get to keep any of this whole batch 'cause they were for the girlfriend to give away.

Vernon, you might want to measure if you're gonna put those 16" screens on the top rack. The handles on the rack may get in the way. I had this problem the first screens I got, but they might have been 17". Even on the bottom rack, it may get a little difficult to manage them 'cause you're getting close to the walls of the WSM.

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