Doug Walker
TVWBB Member
I am in the middle of an overnight Butts over Brisket Cook on my 18 inch bullet. The Brisket is 11 1/2 lbs and the Butts are both 6 1/2 lbs.
I lit the Pit around 7pm last night. At 8pm I got the meat on the pit. I had the pit running at 143 with my BBQ GURU.
All was running great when i went to bed at midnight. I woke up later than I had planned (6:30 am) to hear the alarm going off on the guru. The temperature outside got colder then expected and my coals started running low but there were still hot coals in there. The Pit temp was at 168, the Brisket was at 169 and the Butts were at 165. I ramped up the temp back to 250. The Brisket quickly moved up in temp after getting the fire going again. Its now 8 am and my Brisket is up to 189... Too soon. Using the fork test, the brisket is not done yet. I'll be checking every 45 minutes from here. We are not eating until 2.
I imagine my temps did not drop for too long and I don't imagine I have any danger zone issues. Will this type of drop in temp give me a tough Brisket? I'll need to hold the brisket in a cooler for another 6 hours. I am lowering my pit to 210 to bring this one to a finish. I have time to spare, but what will the impact on the meat be? I think I really messed this one up.
I lit the Pit around 7pm last night. At 8pm I got the meat on the pit. I had the pit running at 143 with my BBQ GURU.
All was running great when i went to bed at midnight. I woke up later than I had planned (6:30 am) to hear the alarm going off on the guru. The temperature outside got colder then expected and my coals started running low but there were still hot coals in there. The Pit temp was at 168, the Brisket was at 169 and the Butts were at 165. I ramped up the temp back to 250. The Brisket quickly moved up in temp after getting the fire going again. Its now 8 am and my Brisket is up to 189... Too soon. Using the fork test, the brisket is not done yet. I'll be checking every 45 minutes from here. We are not eating until 2.
I imagine my temps did not drop for too long and I don't imagine I have any danger zone issues. Will this type of drop in temp give me a tough Brisket? I'll need to hold the brisket in a cooler for another 6 hours. I am lowering my pit to 210 to bring this one to a finish. I have time to spare, but what will the impact on the meat be? I think I really messed this one up.
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